A Little Ray of Sunshine (AmbergrisJane)

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A Little Ray of Sunshine

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A Little Ray of Sunshine

Dusty towns, bustling cities

Unpaved roads and cobbled streets.

East to west, from coast to coast

Always wandering, never lost.

But all's over when the Express closed,

Empty mochilas, decent jobs lost.

Solomon Ray was one of them hit,

Moved town to another with just the boots on his feet.

One day, as he headed for the next,

Thinking of jobs, hoping for the best

An explosion shook the town awake

A building blown out, a fire in its wake.

He tied up his horse, joined the throng

Passed buckets as a brigade was formed

"Its not getting smaller!" He told the girl next to him.

"As long as it's not getting bigger!" she said with a grin.

With everyone's help, the fire was doused

A lady deputy declared fire's out.

She then told all to gather round her

Free lemonade for all their efforts.

"New in town?" The girl asked between gulps of lemonade.

"I'm Gyn, by the way."

She reached out her hand,

He gave her a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, kid.

My name's Ray. Solomon Ray."

He then asked her

If anyone offered work.

"Any job, kid. Im willing to do it.

Just enough to keep me on my feet."

Gyn grinned, pointed at the rubble.

"You're in luck, you're looking at it.

The sheriff would want the jail rebuilt quick."

She pointed at the man

With the lipstick smudge.

"That's 3Gun,

Sheriff of Busted Gulch.

Go on and approach him,

Maybe you'll have work this very evening."

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