Confused Hearts, A Whirlwind and A Puzzle Box(AmbergrisJane)

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Confused Hearts, A Whirlwind and A Puzzle Box

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Confused Hearts, A Whirlwind and A Puzzle Box

AJ looked quietly as Doc UB worked

As the cast in his arm was being removed

Washed, massaged and still a bit weak,

AJ was just glad his arm was finally free.

Back in the bakery, he started helping Ray,

Made the dough for the Special of the Day

He was already kneading when Loren saw him,

"Drop it, AJ or I'll bind it in a sling!"

He dropped the dough faster than light,

then gave Loren his sweetest smile

Just as fast, he vanished from the kitchen

He decided instead to help Gyn

First came Shamus, looking for muffins,

"If its for Lou, she likes peaches and cream."

He ordered a box, added another one,

And one big jar of strawberry jam.

Next was Buck with a curious look,

Curious as to what Shamus bought.

He ordered the same, but Ms Dixie called,

"I'll come back for them AJ, can you keep them warm?"

AJ agreed to keep the muffins,

That was when Lou walked in.

"Bad Day?" the baker asked,

Lou replied, "Can I be honest?"

She told him the truth over muffins and coffee

of how she felt she has failed the three.

AJ was quiet as Lou poured her heart,

He knew what to say right from the start.

"Don't ever think you failed them,

Too many times your heart's been broken.

What you need is time... time to relearn,

A love of self that's long been gone.

And if these men swear they really love you,

Then they'll wait until you're ready, Lou."

Lou smiled and thanked the baker,

AJ only wished it made things a bit clearer.

He looked out the window when Hugh walked by,

with a little girl walking by his side.

The girl ran to the window to look inside

The muffins on display had her mesmerized

AJ called her in, gave her a high five,

And a chocolate caramel muffin to her delight.

She told him she's Nod, Hugh's niece,

The muffin had her clearly impressed

She bought a bundle for her folks

But Hugh suspected they'll be taking home an empty box.

With the little whirlwind gone, AJ took a seat,

Jim's message he suddenly remembered

He asked Gyn to take over while he's gone,

Made his way to the train station.

AJ waited until everyone's gone home,

Kept it secret, even from Loren.

At dead of night, he opened the package,

First read his uncle's message.

AJ shed a tear as he read the letter,

He missed Foshan more than ever

His uncle has forgiven all the wrong he's done,

And told him that he's missed back home.

He dried his eyes and turned to the box,

Made of lacquered wood with a hidden lock

Left side, one time; right side, three

One more turn, it opened with a click.

The box revealed a trinket of jade and gold,

His beloved mother's dragon and phoenix bangle

As he held it in his fingers, he saw her beautiful face,

And heard the sound of her gentle voice.

He whispered a prayer of thanks to his mother,

Asked that the she keep an eye on his future,

He returned the trinket back to its box,

And knew, for Loren he had a question to ask.

He hid the box under his pillow,

He'll surprise Loren with it tomorrow.

He let sleep take him for now,

Not noticing the figure by the window.

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