Think Before You Laugh(baileygaines)

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Think Before You Laugh

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Think Before You Laugh

Work at the forge was going well,

So well that Hugh needed to hire more help.

Hugh took care of the advertising process,

and said, "Buck, I'll leave you with the rest."

The paper came out and everything was okay...

until the ladies saw the paper for the day.

"Women applying must be of high moral repute."

The wording caused quite a dispute.

Lou was most upset by the ad in the paper.

If looks could kill, Buck would be a vapor.

Lou had an idea to start a forge of her own

for women like her who were lost and alone.

Buck and Hugh couldn't help it; they collapsed on the floor.

They laughed until their sides hurt...and then laughed some more.

Hugh and Buck laughed harder and dug their grave deeper.

The mountain that separated Buck and Lou grew steeper.

They finally stopped laughing and Buck's eyes grew wide.

"What have I done? Hugh, how can I fix this?" He asked his guide.

Hugh answered and so did a voice in Buck's ear.

"Apologize and listen to her, and you've got nothing to fear.

Every other man has let her down, you know.

Show her that you're her safe harbor and don't let her go."

When Lou came to get horses, Buck pulled her aside.

"Listen, Lou. I'm sorry for laughing and I know it wasn't right.

I care about our future, and your past is history.

I don't want to ruin everything with my stupidity."

Lou shrugged. "I'm over it thanks to you.

Are you going to drop the charges for Bruce?"

Buck sighed. "When you get both back safe and sound,

ask me again. I can't think about that right now."

Lou rolled her eyes and walked away.

Buck called after her, "Be safe!"

In a while he'd be gone to the desert with Blink.

That was good...he needed some time to think.

Busted Gulch vol 7Where stories live. Discover now