Episode 11~Compatibility Test

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I went down to the fire pit with my can of lager. Eyal,Dani and Samira were standing around the fire.

"Where's Alex?"Samira said.

"I was just talking to him on the roof terrace"I told her.

Dani looked at me."He just wanted to have a converstion"I said nervously.

"Why,go on?"Dani said staring at me.

I didn't want to say anything because Eyal was there but Dani put me on the spot so I just said "No I just think he wants to pursue Megan a little bit and I think like he wanted to speak to Megan didn't he".

"Ok,I guess"Eyal replied with shock.

"Obviously he wanted to speak to me about it and I can't say no can I?"I stated to Eyal.

"What's her view?"Eyal asked me.

I felt a bit sly already so I made sure not to bring up that Charlie and Adam were distracting him while Alex spoke to her.

"Am I think he thinks that he has a chance"I answered Eyal's question.

"Are you alright"Dani asked Eyal who seemed pissed.

"Yeah it is what it is"He replied a bit angrily.

I looked at the ground as I felt snakey to Alex for telling Eyal but I also felt snakey to Eyal for not telling him the whole truth.

I could feel Dani and Samira looking at me and I knew they knew I was upset about being put in this scenario.
Later in the evening,Eyal pulled Alex for a chat and I watched from the kitchen feeling guilty.

Charlie and I then went for a chat on the beanbags.

"I do want to get to know Hayley more but it's all coming from me like in a group conversation I'll go and sit with her.I've not had her once coming up to me and like hug and kiss me"Charlie confessed.

"This is what happened with Eyal,the exact same thing.He was doing the same thing you are and she was just giving him the cold shoulder"I told him.

"I just feel like she could show a bit more affection instead of it all coming from me"He said.

"Yeah definitely"I agreed.

"She's a sort though you know she is top shelf stuff"I added.

"She's a proper sort"He nodded.

"Your stuck between a rock and a hard place with her because you didn't want to not put it on her because then she'll think your not interested but then you don't want to put it on her and get rejected because then you'll think oh well that's pointless and feel down"I informed him.

"Yeah no one likes to be rejected"He laughed.

"But she ain't going to reject you,no way" I reassured him.

We looked over to the fire pit where all the girls were talking.

"Was I loud?"I asked.

"Nah I just thought they were talking about me"He whispered.
Dani and I than went and chatted at the table.

"What's Charlie been saying to you tonight"She enquired.

"He just speaks to me"I said.

"Is he alright?"She asked.

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