I'm Gonna Love You

Depuis le début

She turned him around and smiled softly at him, "Hey," she said is a soft voice. Her brown hair had gotten longer and now fell past her shoulders, ending just below her shoulder blades. She often curled it now and to Chandler she looked like an angel. His angel.

"Hey," he said back and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Can you believe that this time tomorrow we'll be married," she said, the excitement in her voice made his heart flutter.

"I really can't, it feels like yesterday we were kissing for the first time on set," Chandler said and they both smiled at the memory of the day nearly six years ago.

"When I met you for the first time way back in 2014, I never thought that I'd been marrying you," Katelyn said, running her hands through his short hair.

"I didn't either but the day I met you my life changed for the better," Chandler said, his voice full of emotion and she smiled at him before bringing her lips to his.

She ran her hands through his hair and she felt on of his hands rest on the small of her back before his tongue pushed against hers. She moaned as the kissed deepened and just as their faces started going flush from the lack of oxygen a voice startled them and forced their lips away.

"Hey save that for the wedding," Grayson called to his brother and soon to be sister-in-law as he leaned against the old oak doors that divided the foyer and the chapel, "Let's go I'm hungry," he yelled before walking away.

"I may kill my brother," Chandler grumbled as he interlaced his fingers with Katelyn's and hand in hand they walked towards the doors.

"If you're going to do that, at least wait until after the wedding," Katelyn teased, I'd prefer to get married here and not at a jail."

"Don't worry I just plan on telling Brighton or my mom on him If he keeps it up," he laughed, "and maybe a week looking after Beaky will smarten him up."

Katelyn laughed and together they left the church that tomorrow would be the place where they officially became husband and wife.


"I thought bachelor parties were supposed to fun," Grayson wined as he sipped a can of Root Beer and looked at the sight around him.

Chandler was texting someone, probably Katelyn if Grayson had to guess. God his brother and his fiancé couldn't go one night without talking to each other. It was kind of pathetic if you asked him. He was capable of going an entire week without talking to Brighton, he'd tried it once and while he lasted a week, her reaction to his little experiment hadn't been the best.

"You're the best man dude it was supposed to be your job to plan the party," Vincent said, glancing up from his laptop.

"Technically I'm not a bachelor anymore," Chris said as he tossed a bowl of chips onto the table.

"Technically I've been too a funeral that had more energy than this party," Grayson said.

"Funeral Party, Grayson loves funeral parties," Beaky squawked from his perched in Gina's den.

"While I have the PS5 set up if anyone wants to play," Corey said as he turned around from his spot on the floor. He glanced over at Chandler, "You in Chandler?"

Chandler looked up from his phone, "Huh?"

Chris walked over to Chandler and snatched his phone out of his hands, "Dude can't you go one night without talking to my sister?" he asked, amused at the expression on Chandler face. It looked like he was pouting but at the same time had bit into a lemon and was being forced to swallow it.

The Story Of ChandlynOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant