Imagine if Steve had to Babysit Bea

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This is kind of continuing off of the "Tony Raises Bea" thing.


"Steve!" Tony came rushing around the corner of the hallway, a shrunken Bea in his arms. "Steve! Loki shrunk Bea again and I can't take care of her, I have a lot of meetings!"

"I can take her, if that's what you're asking." Steve reaches out his arms and Tony lets the little Bea fall into him.

"I'll be back later, around the time she'll be back to normal! Sorry about this."

"It's completely fine. We'll have to talk to Loki about opportune times to create this sort of a mess for us."


Tony rushes off, getting in the elevator and zipping quickly to the lobby to catch his car.

Steve looked at Bea quietly. And she stared right back.

"Steve. Can you braid hair?"


After a half an hour of braiding her hair and playing with dolls, Steve remembered her medication. Mostly because she started into a fit of coughing when she was running from him. The scary monster.

"Hold on, Bea, you need medicine."

"No I don't! It's yucky!" she exclaims stomping a foot on the ground and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Bea, you'll get sick-"

"I don't care! I'm a big girl! I'm not even that bad!" after she says this, she erupts into another fit of coughing. Steve takes the distraction opportunity to pick her up and bring her to the kitchen. Pouring some orange juice and taking out one of the small white pills. He's well aware that she won't willingly take it without a bribe, so he crushes the pill and puts it in the orange juice, mixing it in thoroughly.

"Here, drink this. Orange juice makes me feel better."

"Yeah but you don't have asma." she sniffs.

"I used to."

"What do you mean?" she asks. Her voice was timid, her eyes were red. She took the drink and sipped it quietly.

"Back when I was your age, I had asthma and I was really weak. I was for a really long time. Then a scientist gave me a shot that made me big and strong!"

"That's when you became Captain America! Right?" Bea asks excitedly, her legs kicking back and forth, heels clicking to the cupboards. Loki had supplied them with a box of clothes that they simply hid whenever they wanted her to be a little kid again.

They do it more than they probably should.

She finishes the juice and Steve smirks lightly. He was proud of himself for that one.

"Yes, that's when I became Captain America." he says, taking the glass from her and rinsing it out in the sink. He turns and picks her up, and places her on the ground. "It's time to take a nap now, okay?"

The little girl rubbed her eyes and nodded. All of them realised that whenever given the pill, she gets really tired.

"Awe, you tricked me, didn't you!" she mumbles. "You've broken my trust Rogers."

He snickered at her comment and leads her back into her room. Dressing her in the too-large clothing she wore to bed and making her comfortable. He gives her small body a hug and then leaves the room.

"I'll check in you in a half an hour, alright?"

"A'ight." she mutters. "Love you, Captain America."

Steve sighs happily, "Love you too, Time Witch."

I REVEALED HER SUPER HERO NAME IN THIS BOOK? WHAT? I know. I figured you deserved to know now. Okay. Sorry this one was a little short. Next one will be absolutely adorable.

Clint takes her to the doctors ;)

There's basically going to be a one shot with every Avenger.

Steve and Tony are done. Let's just make a list here.

Steve √

Loki is the last one just because he'll finally be getting the effects of his true magic. De-ageing Bea.

That one is definitely going to be a long one. Guaranteed.

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