Twenty, I'm "Cured"

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Steve has taken me back to the area where the wood was scattered a couple of times since the first, talking to me.

And it wasn't just me doing the talking, he'd tell me stories about him and his friend Peggy Carter. His almost girlfriend.

Steve made me feel sort of included. Like I could talk to him and he'd listen. Not interrupting me or just off doing his own thing while I rant.

I haven't gone too eccentric, even though he's told me multiple times he's somewhat prepared for me to just lash out at some point. I don't put it past him. I'm preparing for that too.

Some days, we sat in a sort of silence.

Like right now. I had to break it.

Not to spoil any moments or anything, but I had a question that nobody was able to answer. Then again, it's not like I really ever asked.

I was scared to ask.

"Do you think I'll ever be better?"

"Well of course you will. You're happy, right? With everything you have." he asks, and I nod. "Then in my eyes you're already better-"

"I'm not better. Okay, I'm not better and I keep waiting for someone to figure that out! And they don't!" I say suddenly, "I mean, of course they don't, because as long as I say the right things and act the right way, it means they've cured me, right?"

Steve's eyes are sullen. Their usual blue a bit darkened. His usual words of encouragement couldn't come, and I didn't expect them to.

I had just poured out my heart at him. Expecting someone to understand.

No one understands exactly what people feel like. Unless you're an empath, but they're not going to swoop down and portray the feelings of every God damn asshole with emotional problems they see.

That's not how life works.

And for some reason, that's why I wanted to end it.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overreacted like that." I say quietly.

"No, in a weird depressing way, you're right." Steve says, "No one will ever figure it out. No one can feel what you do. I feel like I do relate to you, though."

"How do you relate to me?" I ask,

"You were torn from your family and forced into a new one. Expected to learn the normality, expected to know everything thrown your way." he looks at me sincerely, "But then you slowly realised that maybe the new isn't as bad as you thought. You convinced yourself that it's okay here. If you left, you'd hurt a lot of people."

"And you have something no one else does, yet it scares you." I say, "You have the knowledge of what's coming. You know how much danger we're in for the most part."

"You have your time stuff, and it scares you because you're afraid you'll use too much all at once."

I start laughing a little. "So in retrospect, we're the ones who have the most power, yet we're scared of it."

He laughs with me.

"It's great to be scared then."

"If we're talking about that fact that I can literally make anything endless, and you can literally stop a bus with you're bare hands, I hope so."


"We need a plan on how to correct everything. We need to find Wanda and Banner, get back my stuff, punch this guy in the neck and send him to jail."

"Tony, that is the single most worst plan I've ever heard of." I say bluntly.

"The young Stark is right. That was indeed a horrible plan," Thor adds

"Yeah, details?" Natasha asks

"I'm getting there, alright." Tony argues, "Okay, we're splitting up into two teams. Team Rescue Wanda and get back the Avengers facility, and Team find Banner and shut down the company from the source."

"Can we shorten the names?" I ask. Tony turns to me and gives me a dirty look. "Name them then. Right now. Go."

"Team Building and Team Destroying." I say on whim.

"That sounds the plot to a children's Lego movie." Tony says, "But final decisions were yours, and you're not going to change it, are you?"

"No sir, I am not." I say, flashing him a smile. He sighs and turns back to looking at the others.

"We don't have a lot of time to figure this out, so I've made the teams. We can adjust as necessary." Tony says, "Team leaders are me and Cap. Cap'n. Spangles, yep."

Steve sighs and runs a hand down his face.

"On Steve's team, we have Natasha and Bea. On my team, Clint, Thor and Peter." Tony instructs. "Team Building is mine, Team Destroying is Cap."

"Team Destroying is finding Banner. He should be at the main headquarters. We find Banner we find Doctor Wilbur Gum." I say, "Honestly, Tony, it'd be wise for you guys to go and infiltrate the building instead of finding Wanda. You have all you need. Pretty much a power dream team."

"That is true, we are based around stealth, you're based on Power. If anything, Banner should be with you guys." Natasha says, "It only makes sense."

"Fine, we'll go straight to the building, happy?"

"So in other words we have a plan that makes sense?" I ask.

"I think we do." Peter says, smiling at me.

"Then let's get to work, Avengers."

To be clear, I'm not ending the book after they end the copies. I'm going to probably have another threat. Probably sometime after a little domestic, Avengers sitcom-esc chapters are published. After that, then I'll probably end the book. I want to have more than Twenty something chapters.

Any who, question of the chapter, what is your favourite food?

Mine is a tie between white rice and ramen noodles. I do love white rice. Though soy fried rice is very good.

Now that it's two in the morning and I'm still wide awake, I think I'll start working on the last chapter of the copy situation >:-)

I'm comfortable with telling you guys I am so excited I've finally made a plot in a book.

Thank you for reading, my friends!


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