I feel like I should tell you guys this.

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So... About a month ago when I first started publishing this book, a few days prior my grandma died.

My grandma was my first best friend. She encouraged me in so many ways possible.

She taught me basically everything I know.

Losing her was by far the worst thing to ever happen to me. She died so unexpectedly.

To be clear, I don't want any pity or I'm not seeking attention...

I'd just like to dedicate this book to her.

My grandma is my hero. She was so nice and brave and kind and she loved me so much and I gave her all the love in the world back. This woman practically raised me and took care of me when I was sick and taught me how to cook and got me my first phone.

I consider myself so lucky because the last thing she sent me was "❤".

She loved sending me random hearts throughout the day, and I'd return them.

My grandma was the first person I went to when I said I wanted to be an author. She supported me all the way. I'd make short narratives for her to read and she'd give me an honest opinion. Rate my work if you will.

I never showed her my fanfictions, well... I never got to.

My grandma said all the time that cussing when writing was almost necessary. She told me it added some sort of realism to the fake character. People would read the words that they say and realise how human these people in the stories actually were.

She was a huge believer that cussing at will was somewhat okay. Agreeing to the fact that when people cuss, it let's out more anger than saying "dang it" or "crap" all the time. Because you aren't supposed to publicly say these words.

My grandma was my favourite superhero.

She was my favourite person and like I said, losing her was like losing my life.

She never let on how sick she actually was. Making all of us believe that she was going to pull through.

She was the only person that just let me talk about the stupid stuff.

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now