Twenty Three, That's It

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I sit on top of the Avengers building roof. It's peaceful, the wind blows so gently against my face.

Calm thoughts fill my mind as I watch the clouds drift along the sky.

"Aren't thinking about jumping again, are you?" I hear Peter joke. I turn around and wrinkle my nose at his attempt to be funny.

"No. Just... Thinking in general." I say. The most prominent thing on my mind was that I killed people.

Well, more like androids... And they were really bad so either way, I'd need to rid them.

It's just something that lays on my conscience. What if they had families? Sisters, brothers, moms and dads who loved them.

I guess that's one thing I'll always be able to never relate to.

Tony is technically my dad now, and he loves me, I know. But he's more like a funny uncle or older brother than he is a dad. Tony just isn't the dad type.

Pepper is like my mom now. She's really caring and sweet. I'd consider her a mother if given the option.

Then of course we have Peter Parker. My boyfriend with that overprotective older brother instinct. Don't get me wrong, that's one of his best qualities. I love how weird he gets whenever another boy talks to me. He pretends to be all macho, and that's not Peter.

We sit up on the roof in silence.

"Is your stuff doing better." I ask, referring to the gash he got in his side from another copy before I got there.

"Oh, yeah. I don't have quite the healing factor as the next guy, but the stuff I got is healing it faster than regular meds." he says, "Sorry about your leg by the way."

"Yeah it's whatever. Tony said he's trying to convince someone to help reattach the nerves."

Turns out when I got shocked by that copy, he took out one of my nerves in my leg and I couldn't walk correctly. My whole leg was numb. I now have to use crutches and I'm out of commission until we can get everything sorted out.

It's kind of a bore, but I've been working on my little interrogation system. Stabbing someone or shooting them, then reversing their time so we both know exactly what's coming if I speed up time.

"Do you think we could get Tony to get a wheel chair?" he smirks

"No! I'm not getting a wheel chair. Even if it id for your stupid idea of fun. You know how much I hate being the center of attention." I exclaim, socking him in the arm. We laugh and fall back on the rooftop. I roll my head to look at him, giving him a smile. "I'm glad all of that shit is over with."

"So am I. Although, we've spent our whole summer fighting off the scum of the world. School is starting up again. August 17th."

"Ugh. It's August 3rd." I mumble. "Tony better get things situated with a doctor or something before I have to go back."

"Why? We have a the same classes all the time."

"That was when my last name was Willow, Pete. My last name is Stark now. I don't know of we'll be it the same class."

"We can check."


He smirks and stands up, then picks me up bridal style.

"I can walk you know!" I yell, punching his chest. It did nothing.

"No you can't." he says

"Get me my crutches! I'll prove you wrong!"


"I'll call for Tony!" I threaten.

"He'd probably just sit there and laugh at you."

"I'll call Cap!"

"He's on a mission!" Peter laughs.

"Alright! Just put me down! Please?"

"Never!" he chimes, kissing my forehead. I narrow my eyes at him and he continues walking, taking me to my room. "I can hack into the school's system and change it so we have every class together."

"We're a really dangerous duo."

"When you have two legs." he smirks

"Hey, I'm just as effective with one, asshole."



"Try walking around the room."

I stand up, my weight all shifting to one foot mostly. I take a step with my bad leg first, telling myself that it's okay. I won't fall if I just remember to use my leg. Next thing I know I'm falling to the floor. I sigh in frustration. I've of course tried so many times to walk, but it just doesn't work.

(Interruption for you, have you ever had your knee go numb? It happens to me all the time because I have a sensitive nervous system, but like, you try to get up and think you're standing but next thing you know you're falling on the ground. It's so weird.)

"Take it easy, Tiger. I was only kidding with you. I didn't expect you to actually try." Peter says softly, coming down to help me back up. I swat his hand away.

"It's fine, I'm fine. I got this." I say, but in my head, I know perfectly well I don't "got this".

"You're gonna hurt yourself!" he says, pleading for me to stop.

"More than I already am!?" I shout angrily. Peter backs away slightly, taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Sorry... I didn't mean to be that mean."

"It's fine. I get it, you're just really tense right now. I'll get your crutches. We can go get some ice cream?"

"That sounds good." I say, smiling at him as he leaves the room. It hits me right after he leaves. "Ah shit, I'm stuck on the floor."


Peter and I sit in the little ice cream shop, talking about random things and joking.

"Thanks for the ice cream, by the way."

"No problem, love."

I stick my finger in the whipped cream that was on his milkshake and dot it on his nose. I then put a few sprinkles on it.

"What was this for?" he asks, laughing a little.

I take out my phone and take a picture. "To show Tony."

"Why?" he asks, now laughing a little harder.

"I dunno." I then get an evil idea, "What if I print it out and put it on your locker? That way I know exactly where it is!"

"If you do that I'll never forgive you." he laughs. "Ever."

"Never ever?"

"Never ever ever."

"Dang." I eat some of my ice cream and smile. The past few months have been super stressful. This little ice cream excursion was definitely needed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more!" I say, turning the little compliment into a war.

"I love you to the moon and back."

Peter always knew how to shut me up.

Okay, this looks a little like an imagine, but I promise it isn't. This is more of like, a week after everything has ended.

Cool? Cool.


Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now