Eight, Capture

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Before I start this off, do you guys like my editing skills? I made all those pictures cropped and everything. Impressive I know, but that's actually really hard in my opinion. I like using the auto tool because it's not so touchy, but then it highlights literally everything in green and deletes it and it's like "no, I want the person's face, okay-". Anyway. The struggles of a 15 year old editor.

Btw, the comic dub above is actually hilarious.


Peter and I walk home together, happily chatting on our way from the Starbucks down the road. I got my usual, Vanilla Bean Frappuchino. I sip it gently as Peter continues to talk about when he first discovered he had his spider powers. I'm suddenly jerked backwards, a hand covering my mouth as I drop my drink. It falls on the pavement, and splatters everywhere. I murmur something loudly to get Peter's attention.

"Hey!" he cries, but the person holding me kicks him back, and he falls in my drink puddle. It offhanded him, and the guy ran off with me. I struggle around and try to get out of his grasp. I bite his hand and try throwing my head back. I'm thrown in the back of a truck, knocking me out.


I wake up, instinct telling me to flail around. I can't though, as I'm tethered tightly to a chair. I writhe around, attempting to free myself, and failing.

"Don't worry about struggling. It'll do nothing." someone says, their voice oddly familiar. He holds up a white flag. "You want it? It'd be wise to surrender, Beatrice."

"The only thing I'll be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother!" I cry, "Let me go, you insufferable asshole!"

"Good lord. You're a feisty one." he says, "What would be the fun in letting you go?"

"You won't have to deal with the people who come to get me." I say strongly.

"Who? Your precious Iron Man? Spiderman? They'd be wise not to come here."

"Why so? They'd take you down with ease!" I say. I learned with any strong enough emotion, I trigger my time control.

I was practically fuming now. Why wasn't it working? Maybe I'm just afraid... Too cocky? I need to learn to control this better.

"Ah, but would they want to?" he says

"Why wouldn't they? Obviously they have better sense than you!"

"I'm done arguing, Beatrice." he says, coming closer to me. I struggle to back away out of fear.

Then time slows. I take my chance to snack his slow moving body with the chair. As he falls in slow motion, I grab a knife hanging at his side, and use it to saw my way through the rope closest to my reach, accidentally slicing my arm in the process.

I sneer as blood comes from the spot. The throw the chair away, and wriggle out of the ropes. I decide to keep his pathetic pocket knife and time unfreezes.

The mystery man falls to the ground with a hard thud and I kick him back down. I glare at him, and kick his head hard enough to knock him out. I start to search through his stuff for a phone.

Peter's POV

I start running towards our apartment as I frantically call Mr Stark.

"Peter, this be-"

"Someone took Bea!" I say. My voice about to crack.

"What do you mean 'someone took Bea'?" he asks.

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz