Eleven, Renamed

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We rode in Tony's limo to a huge mansion in the literal middle of nowhere. Though luckily not too far from the Avengers building in case we needed a fact exit. Peter, Pepper and I were all briefed before we left the house.

We had a plan, and if it didn't work I'd be surprised. With Tony and Peter and I making a plan, it was almost full proof. A little reckless, but it couldn't get any worse than was already planned.

I was to be with Peter until we saw our targets. If they tried to engage, Peter would walk away, leaving me as bait.

There's no way in hell this isn't so men kind of headquarters. Tony told me specifically, if anything starts to get sketchy, to reach out my arms and the suit he made me would come within five minutes. Just hold them off for five minutes. I had my daggers secure in leg wraps underneath my dress. It was a long sleeved blazer adorned black dress that showed off my lady figure a little too nicely. While Tony despised it, it worked in with our plan. If they didn't willingly take me, I'd have to seduce them.

Holy hell, sometimes I royally hate being a woman.

The valet worker rapped a knuckle on the window. Tony said a few words to him. Telling him to lead his driver somewhere close to the exit.

I had my simple directions. Find my way around, collecting any evidence. If I feel I'm in danger, summon the suit. Stall for five minutes if I do, and don't lose sight of Peter and Pepper.

Simple, I think, slightly scoffing at Tony's recklessness in my head. This had two outcomes, and its a 50/50 chance it'll be good.


"I think I have all I need. I need to stall for time so I can get out of here." I say into a headpiece that Tony gave me so I can communicate with him.

"Try and get out as best you can. If it doesn't work, summon the armor. When you get it, no holding back."

"Yes, Mr Stark."

"It's Tony, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry."

I wander hurriedly and hopefully as I try and find my way through the maze of doors they took me through. I suddenly hear an evil cackle and I reach my hands out swiftly. That should have summoned the armor.

"I summoned the armor, Tony. I'm not alone down here. No holding back."

"Copy that, see you back at the house, kiddo. Don't die."

Suddenly I feel a hand reach over and take my comm, smashing it easily as I watch. I back away from the large man.

"So Stark sent a 12 year old to do his job, eh?" The man says, "Ironic."

I'm suddenly stabbed from behind. Straight through the first wound. I hold back the urge to scream as the armor comes in through a window. Smashing it.

Pieces of glass fall everywhere and cut my face slightly. The suit sensed the bloody mess my body was making, and immediately flew home, taking me inside before I passed out.


This time, I wake up in a hospital. Tony's homemade Band-Aids couldn't fix this one I guess.

"Tony? Peter? Pepper? I ask quietly. Tony steps into the room, holding a sandwich.

He nearly spits out the bite he took before pointing a finger at me.

"Aha! See! Knew it would work!" he suddenly shouts. "Sorry, kiddo. I placed another bet on you. But I get another twenty bucks from Cap so I'll call it a win."

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now