Seventeen, Assemble

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Okay, normally, I wouldn't want that little "Hey my names Bea Miller" but also, that's how Bea Miller sounds and that's how I wanted Bea in this book to sound. Also, the correlation of their names is complete coincidence seeing as this was going to be an xreader but I decided against it because I had an idea for how this story was going to work, so I used my OC (enter, Bea, hero name not disclosed) (Its been said a lot I'm pretty sure no one has caught on though.) so yeah. That's why I put that in. I do recommend Bea Miller's music though it's really good.

"So you could potentially age someone to death?" Peter asks me.

"Theoretically, yes. I could. And if you don't stop asking me questions about this I might just do that." I threaten. This has gone on for the past hour. The first few questions were fun to test. Peter was hungry and had an orange he was eating, so I reversed time to see if I could give him more to eat. Then we did it until it turned back into a flower that it came from on the tree.

That was kind of fun.

We then did it with a few other inedible things. (We turned a box of screws back into liquid metal for Tony to find later.)

Also, kind of fun.

After the first forty five minutes we both got bored of it. Now Peter was just firing random questions.

Tony, Wanda and Steve were still out doing stuff from when they told us don't come out until they gave us the okay.

The "okay" hasn't come for an hour.

"The one time we're obidient is the one time they take forever." Peter sighs

"Why can't we just be disobedient?" I ask

"You really want to be disobedient when there's a Norse God outside?" Peter asks

"A little." I admit.


We suddenly hear rushed footsteps coming back into the room. Peter and I straighten up from our slouched position in swivel chairs (we spun on those for a good ten minutes as well.)

"Man of spiders! Lady Beatrice! Stark requests your presence immediately!" a guy says.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask.

"Thor. That's who the hell he is. Now let's go!" Peter says, slipping off his clothes to reveal his suit. I already had mine on. Peter grabs my hand and rushes out, following Thor.

We get outside and see the Avengers lined up.

Peter and I walk up to Tony.

"Welcome to the party, kiddos." Tony says

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Steve comments.

"Peter. Run. Get back inside! Now!" I shout, throwing a bubble over them. It should slow them down. Or freeze them. Either way it gives us enough time to escape.

I grab Peter's hand and we run into the building, locking it behind us.

"We need to figure out Tony's password." I say, running over to his computer where we tracked Peter. No doubt he has a way to find him and the Avengers.

"Why? What's going on?" he asks

"Those are copies. Why would they just stand there saying nothing is wrong. And, Tony wouldn't call us kiddos." I say. "They've taken the Avengers somewhere and we need to find them."

"But Tony said-"

"Forget what Tony said, Peter! We aren't little kids anymore! He can't treat us like them. Especially when they're in danger." I say, "They'd do the same for us. They wouldn't just pass it off saying that we're fine and we'll get ourselves out. They need help!"

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now