Twenty One, And The World Stops (Part One)

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That is one long ass chapter title. And yes, I used the Slime Rancher credits theme. I really liked that song, it's called 1,000 Light Years away. It's VERY FITTING FOR THIS CHAPTER.

Also I'm working on the Playlist and the Extra Cast for this book, if you see any characters that aren't pointed out in the cast, could you comment them so I can add them in? Thanks, you guys are awesome.

We break into the facility holding Wanda and I grin, looking at all the people there, they were aiming at me with loaded guns.

"Surprise!" I singsong softly. Natasha started shooting at them, Steve whipping his shield at the people in the room. I shot my electricity cuffs at two of them and shocked them. They went down shivering.

I started shooting at them. Once everyone was done with, I looked at Wanda. She looked a little terrified.

I don't blame her to be honest.

She tears herself away from the chains and joins up with us.

"I thought you'd never come." she says

"We got a little sidetracked." I mutter.

"Someone went and took a three day nap, then we needed to catch her up to speed and make sure she was stable," Steve says, shooting me a small smirk.

"Well next time you guys wanna get yourselves captured don't expect me to come running." I say, "Point is, we're here now, and we need to find Banner."

"Right, okay, he should be in the outskirts of Albany." Natasha informs us.

"That's really close." I say, "We can't go barging in though. Wilbur Gum, he's the guy who's set this whole thing up. We need to take him down,"

"She's right. We need to take him down after we figure out how to disable the copies."

My eyes go wide as I suddenly realise just exactly who Banner is.

"Guys. Would Banner hulk-out in one of these situations?" I ask. Natasha's eyes go wide and she looks at Steve. We run off, quickly trying to get to the facility.

"We don't know where it is. We need an aerial view." Wanda says, "None of us can fly."

"Why did Tony have to take the aviation prone people." I mumble, "Wanda, what if you used your powers to temporarily hover?"

"That could work." She says. She lifts herself off the ground for a few seconds. She points to the left of us, "This way!"


"I'm here to see Doctor Gum. He's kinda sorta ruining our lives." Natasha says, walking into a room filled with people.

Unconscious people.

"Hulk?" I ask

"Definitely." Steve mutters.

"Damn it!" Natasha kicks a stray gun lying on the floor. "It could have been days. If we would have left before she woke up this wouldn't have happened!"

"Nat, you know if we did that then Tony and Peter wouldn't be in the right mindset. Neither of them had slept a wink in three days!" Steve counters.

I rub my arm as Steve and Natasha go at it. Arguing about how I messed all of this up. If we would have stayed as a team, Peter wouldn't have gotten hurt. I wouldn't have tried to save him.

This is my fault this time.

I argued with Tony about saving Steve over Natasha.

I started this.

I was the one who didn't take the time to realise what was really going on.

I start to spiral. This was my fault. I'm just a little kid who has a bunch of family issues.

I shouldn't have let those hunt themselves into my work life. I have a job. I have to protect people who can't protect themselves, and I failed that already.

I am a failure.

The bickering between Natasha and Steve was starting to bother me, even though I wasn't exactly listening.

"Enough!" I yell, the whole room gradually comes to a stop. "Shit, not again!"

I try to restart it, back to the present time, but it doesn't work.

"Oh shit, I've royally fucked up haven't I?" I ask aloud. I start to panic. I don't know how to undo this. The entire world is frozen in place.

Maybe I can unfreeze people if I try hard enough.

Why isn't this draining my energy like it does whenever I actually try to do this?

Ugh. Something to look at later.

If there is a later.

I realise my panic and anger and I take a deep breath, attempting to calm myself. I feel the world gradually start to start up again. I focus on putting it into normal speed and everything starts up again.

"Bea, why did everything stop?" Wanda asks

"I don't know." I say

"What do you mean you don't know? They're your powers. Own up to them! What did you do?" Natasha drills at me. I flinch at her words. I know she's just caught up in the stress of Banner being lost and Hulk getting loose, but it's intimidating.

"I'm sorry! I seriously have no idea what I did!" I shout.

"Natasha! Focus your energy on finding Banner!" Steve says angrily, crossing his arms and towering over her. The true "Captain" aesthetic showing.

He looks at me sternly, "But I am going to ask if you knew what that was. You were then only one unfrozen so it was definitely you."

"I swear, Cap. If I knew what it was I'd tell you in a heartbeat. I seriously don't know." I explain, "I think it's similar to when I would panic and the powers would activate. Like it's a really bad effect of that panic."

"Reasonable enough. We can't ask you to just not panic."

"Bea, I'm sorry I flipped out on you. I just got really upset." Natasha says, "Bruce means a lot to me. It's truly nothing personal."

I nod and give her a weak smile. She returns it, understanding what I mean.

"Now that that's out of the way, look for clues if Bruce is still here or if he's gone off somewhere else."

"And if he has?"

"Maybe stopping time could save the world."

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now