Sixteen, Control

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"I only know of one person who knows anything about the time stone." Wanda says, "Doctor Strange. He's a neuroscientist who dedicated himself to the mystic arts."

"So a wizard dude knows about this?" Tony asks, "I have to trust magic Mike to figure out how my daughter is and how to live?"

"To be fair, his name is Stephen." she mumbles.

"For once, Tony could be right." I say.

"When am I not?"

"Ignoring that," I say, "How do we know this guy can even help me. If he will?"

"Strange has spent his past few years trying to understand the time stone. If he were to get his hands on the product of it, maybe he'd be more willing."

"I don't buy it." I say, "I mean, what's to say the stone won't hurt me?"

"She has a point." Steve adds. "It could seriously damage her."

"Then, Steve. Come with me to Doctor Stephen's-"

Suddenly a orange sparked circle is around me. I try to step out of it, but my feet are completely immobilized.

"Wanda, what are you doing?" Tony asks

"That's not me."

I suddenly fall through the floor and into a house. It was filled with tall glass display cases and pedestals with different relics and weapons.

"Where the hell am I?" I mumble. I walk around a little.

"Beatrice Stark." I hear someone say.

I pull out my gun and point it at him. He floats over. He's dressed in a cobalt blue robe kind of thing with a red and gold cape flying behind him. The collar was popped slightly.

"What the hell do you want from me." I ask, aiming at him.

"You can put the gun down." he says. Suddenly I'm not holding it anymore and it's in my holder.

"Who are you?" I ask, "What do you want from me?"

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and I'm aware that my good friend Wanda Maximoff has come to you about your irregular power sequence."

"You have the time stone!" I say, again, pointing my gun at him.

It's gone from my fingers again and back in my holder.

"I'll make it disappear forever if you do that again." he says, "Yes, I do have the time stone. It won't effect you in any way, shape or form as long as I do not open this amulet."

He points to a small eye shaped charm around his neck and on his front.

"I use it to control time, just as you can slow time, I can fast forward, or even stop time. But I can do it at will." he taunts.

"So what do you want? What concern am I to you?" I ask

"I want to know what happens if I confront you with the time stone directly." he says. He waves his hand and suddenly we're in front of three portals. One that goes to a jungle, one that goes to a prairie and one that goes to France.

"Go in this one," he points to the prairie and walks in. I follow. "How does your magic work?"

"When I'm scared or angry time slows. And I can make other people surrounded by a bubble of slowness but I don't know how I did that and I've only done it once." I explain.

"Okay. This area is deserted. No one uses it for anything. We're going to test what the time stone does to you." he says. "Don't worry about the affects too much."

He flashes me a smirk and the amulet opens. A green wave surges from the stone and I'm hit with it, falling backwards.

I stand up and blink a few times. The stone was concealed back into the necklace again.

"Do you feel any different?"

"No. I just hurt a hell lot more."

"Hm. Interesting." he opens it again and this time a singular beam points at my chest. I stare at it as I feel like I should fall back, but I don't.

Suddenly the beam stops and the stone glows. Stephen looks at me curiously.

"Can you do anything new?"

I think about slowing time and it happens. The swaying grass suddenly slows. And when o think about freezing time, it's all settled. Nothing moves. Everything looks as if the life had been sucked out of it, yet it remains there.

I go back to working time and nod.

"What did you do?" I ask

"I exposed you to the time stone. Anymore and it will have bad effects." he says, "Anyway, we'd better get you back to the Avengers before they come for my head."

We're suddenly teleported back to a staircase. There's two knocks at the door behind us before Strange teleports them in.

"Well that was easy," Steve says. "Oh! Bea. That was double easy."

"Stephen!" Wanda exclaims.

"Wanda? Steve? Why isn't Tony here?" I ask

"We were afraid he'd cut his head off." Steve says, pointing at Stephen.

"Well, Wanda, I've done as you asked. I figured out her power source and gave her better control." he says

"Wait you asked for this?" I ask Wanda

"Kind of." she says, "You all were so curious, I thought I'd get the master of this stuff in on it."

"Fair point."

"Well, we're done here so you may have her back." Stephen pushes me forward lightly, and teleports us back to the Avengers building.

We arrive back and Tony jumps as we appear behind him.

"You're alive!" he gasps

"Tony, I think that's the stupidest sentence I've ever heard." I say.

"Hey guys, does anyone know a God of Thunder?" Peter asks walking into the room

"Nevermind, it's been topped." I say, "Peter Benjamin Parker, who the hell doesn't know the God of Thunder?"

"I was just testing you. But he is outside, so you may wanna see what that's about."

Tony, Steve and Wanda look at each other and rush out. Tony pokes his head back in,

"Don't follow us until we give you the okay."

We give him a thumbs up and he leaves, running to catch up with the swift moving Steve and Wanda.

"Chances of this ending well?"

"Slim, my spider friend."

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant