Twenty Eight, Welcomed

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Marcie sits next to me as we drive to her house in a limousine. It's a reasonably large mansion. A large garden in the front, kept up by gardeners. Her dad was rich. And used his money more beautifully than Tony's technology based spending sprees.

We pulled up in front of the mansion doorway, and she led me inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode," she jokes. "Let's have a tour, shall we?"

I smile and follow her as she takes me around the house. In the kitchen, dining room, lounge, study and finally her bedroom.

"We can get the mattress set up in here by tonight. I honestly thought it'd be up by now. No matter, it'll get done. The staff is probably busy helping my family get ready for their trip."

"Do they leave you alone often?"

"All the time. I have no interest in their meetings, and we have the staff here to keep me in line."

"Don't you ever miss them?"

"No. Not really. They're honestly kind of a bore if you ask me. So proper and annoying."

I stifle a giggle at her bash at her family.

"What about you? Doesn't Tony leave often for press conferences?"

"Not that much anymore. He used to be really busy but he started denying some things whenever I was adopted."

"Speaking of you being adopted, you never told me that story!"

"It's nothing special really. I don't even know how to begin."

"No matter, we'll do something tonight." she says, "Hey, your dad is Iron Man, have you met that new superhero? The new girl?"


"She wears a black and grey and blue suit. She has a black mask that covers her eyes and some of her cheeks."

"I-uh... Maybe? I only know the prominent Avengers. Captain America, Hawkeye. Those guys."

"Those guys? You say it so casually. Do you hang out with them a lot?"

"Not a lot, but I've seen them around once or twice."

"That's cool. I didn't mean to seem like I was trying to get to them through you. After the attack in New York all those years ago I guess you could say I'm kind of a fangirl now."

"Understandable." I laugh. "So, who's your favourite Avenger?"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not stupid. Of course the Avengers are cool. Just because I've met them doesn't make me any less of a fangirl."

She beams at my comment, "Captain America. I'm a huge fan. What about you?"



"Yes. He's the strongest Avenger!"

"Uh, hello? Super Soldier?"

"Uh, hello, demigod of Thunder. I think we're both wrong."

"Fair point."

We laugh and I tell her about all the superheros I know, excluding me of course.

"But seriously, at least what's the name of the newbie?"

"Identity or hero name?" I ask

"Either one."

"She doesn't have a hero name. It's undecided I guess."

"What's her power?"

"She can manipulate time, I think?"

"Time Witch!"

"What? No! No-Not Time Witch." I insist.

"Why not? It suits her!"

"Because, she isn't a witch!" I laugh, "She's really nice."

"Can I meet her?"

"Well, you see, she lives in Ohio somewhere. She came in by coincidence. I think Spiderman knows her somehow."

"Well then next time she's in I wanna meet her. See what she's like in person."

We have a moment of comfortable silence.

"What about Spiderman?" she asks, "He seems our age."

"What? He's probably a creepy old guy under a mask." I say, "Mid forties at least"

I stifle a laugh.

"But you've met him?!" she laughs

"I have, haven't I? Well he's a creepy old dude under a mask!"

"Can he really shoot webs from his wrists or is that tech?"

"That's tech. He can stick to walls and has crazy strength though."

"Sweet." she says, "You sure he's mid forties?"

A video starts sounding from her phone.

"He's too short to be mid forties. Unless he hunched early, I think he may be in his twenties."

"No way. I've seen him, remember."

"Unless you're joking about him." she teases, "You're probably dating him, not Peter. Wouldn't that be funny?"

"Hilarious." I say bluntly. This was all-too-funny. "But no, I am dating the stupid Peter Parker."

"Stupid? He goes to Midtown. He's anything but stupid if he goes to Midtown."

"He's done some stupid things, though. Really stupid."

"On a scale from one to ten, one being calm to ten being what the fuck, rate his stupidest action," she declared.

"Probably a 13."

"What the hell, Peter."

My phone suddenly buzzes in my pocket, and I take it out to look. A text from Peter.

"Forty year old under a mask?"

"What's up?"

I stifle a laugh. "Nothing. Hey, would you be interested in meeting Spiderman?" I ask

"Hell yes."

We go outside in the front lawn, and P̶e̶t̶e̶r̶  Spiderman swings down to see us.

"Ladies." he greets. He slings and arm around my neck and pulls me close to him, "Despite what this one claims, I am not forty years old."

"Then how old are you?" she asks, trying to pry into my boyfriend.

"Undisclosed information."

"Have you met the famous Peter Parker I've been hearing about so much?" she asks, looking at us with her hands on her hips.

"I think so? That's your boyfriend, right?" he asks, looking down at me.

"Yeah. Real sweetheart. Excluding the times where he's just an idiot."

"You..." he says, jokingly threatening me. "Well, I'd better be off, by the way Mr Stark said you need to think of a name for your new account."

He winks and swings off.

"What account?"

"Oh, nothing. Ignore him. Ignore all of them. They're idiots." I roll my eyes.

"Hey you can tell me that story now!" she says, "You promised."

"I did, didn't I?" I give our a heavy sigh. It's not that I don't want her knowing it's just I don't know how she'll take it. I'm not the world's Saint or anything.

"Come on, I'll make us some snacks. We can just talk about it. I wanna get to know you."

I give a small smile at her support.

I wish I could tell her all of it.

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن