Seven, Feelings are Fatal

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Tony drives me and Peter to my old apartment so I could gather some things. To be honest, I liked to wear Peter's small t-shirts he had ground out of along with some shorts and when I'd wash my pants and shirt from when I came. I'm surprised we hadn't gone back sooner.

Tony planned on introducing us to the media together, seeing at the news already spread that we were a duo.

I walk in, my brother immediately spotting me from the couch.

"I thought you were coming back, pet." he says.

"Shut it, Jack." I say

"Don't tell me what to do!" he yells, bitterly

I hear him get up and stomp angrily to me. I whip around and block him.

"You know what you'd see if you looked up asshole in the dictionary?" I ask

"A picture of me?" he asks, deadpan.

"No, the definition of an asshole, which you fucking are!" I say, pushing him back.

I hear Tony and Peter snicker from the doorway.

"Besides, I'm just getting my stuff so I can leave."

"What stuff?" he asks, raising en eyebrow.

It just occurred to me these fallible beings could have sold every single one of my items to get money for their damn pleasure. I race back to my old room, seeing that's exactly what they did.


"I literally have no other clothes except for your too-small pile." I say angrily. I kick another robot annoyance in the face, breaking it and hearing it shatter on the floor.

I can practically hear Tony rolling his eyes. Today is the day he needs me to get scared.

"Peter, get out of the room. I can't have you guys wasting my machines on anger." Tony says. Suddenly, everything slows down again and I kick both my feet at a robot, they go through and I spring at one behind me. I kick the head off another, and turn to throw my daggers at the last one that surrounded me.

Everything goes back to regular speed and I look at Tony, my breath heavy.

He smiles.


I flop back down on my bed. A long day. Again. It's only ten at night, and I feel myself begin to crash from lack of coffee.

I shut my eyes tightly. Hoping I'll fall asleep.

Of course that doesn't happen.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I say. I half expect it to be Peter, but I'm very surprised at the sight of May.

"Hey, I'm really sorry I've been working so much. I'm sure you understand, but I still feel bad." she says, "Uh... So have you and Peter gotten along."

"Yeah, me and Peter are fine."

"I was just wondering... Do you like him?" she asks, "Like, he talks so fondly of you I didn't know if-"

"Shut the door." I say, pulling my feet up on the bed. She complies, and walks over.

"He told me he likes me and then I realised I like him too... This morning... He kissed me." I say, being totally honest. May had always been like a mother to me. Especially since mine sucked ass, and was easy to replace. May was always so nice. So compliant, yet she had morals and stood her ground.

She gasps slightly, "did you-"

"I kissed back." I admit, "And I really liked it. Like a part of me had denied for a long while I liked him too."

"Well... If you enjoyed it, I guess I can't say I didn't like the idea of you two being a couple. He made it so obvious, his feelings for you."

"Yeah, well, I'm super blind to any flirting. So..." I admit, getting flustered slightly, and laughing dryly.

"All I have to say is if you want it, go get it. Peter needs someone else in his life. I wouldn't be upset if that so-called-someone is you." she smiles at me, "But if he hurts you, tell me and I'll ground him for six years."

I smile and nod. Aunt May was really protective, but would often jokingly turn on Peter very easily. Just to mess with him.

I lay on the bed, relishing in the slight silence my room had to offer.

I suddenly hear; "If you hurt her, ill hurt you, got it Peter!" from the other room, assumably Peters.

I laugh maniacally. God, I lived this little dysfunctional duo.

This one is short, but not the shortest chapter. That belongs to chapter 3 maybe, with around 300 words. This one has 765.

Don't Jump // Peter Parker x OC ((Book One))Where stories live. Discover now