chapter 28

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A/n: Hey guys. I don't know if I will continue this story/fanfic for much longer. I will write a few more chapters but this story will come to an end soon.

I'm sorry this chapter came out so late. I had some technical problems.

*sigh* I was bored all day long and everyone were busy when I asked them to hang out with me.

Zack were busy with Mira. Vasco were working out with Daniel. Other Daniel didn't even answered my texts. Probably to busy with Jay. Zoe said she had to take care of her niece so she wasn't even in the town.

"It's Saturday and I didn't even enjoy my free time. Atleast tomorrow its-"


"Just great. I'm even hungry now but I ate an hour ago. How is that even possible? Do I have a black hole in there or something" I questioned myself and my mysterious stomach.

I looked at the time and remember that Daniel's shift started hour ago.

"I should go say 'hi' to him. Maybe he's not so busy and we could chat." I said and got ready to go out.

The way there were boring just like my day so far. Streets were empty. It seemed as if zomby apocalypse happened recently. After about five or do minute walk I stood in front of convenience store were I could see Daniel and so I walked in when he was doing squats.

I guess he didn't hear me coming in, not even Vasco.

It did make me feel a bit hurt, I couldn't understand what was this feeling so I just ignored it. Like I have been doing it so far.

'Daniel is even working out at work and...' I cut my thoughts off as I saw Daniel start eating from a huge pile of junk food.

'What is he doing?' I though as I watched him eating

"Ah I'm spent. Want a bite?" Daniel offered Vasco some burgers.

"Vasco! Come have some. Today's waste is amazing." Daniel continued to talk while eating.

"That's it! Daniel! Vasco said shocked.

"I can't believe it. This is the reason he's still so... fluffy." I whispered to myself. They still didn't hear me. Vasco were to shocked and Daniel were in he's la-la land.

"I found it. The real problem." Vasco said snapping out of the trance.

"Daniel for you exercising isn't the problem. Time to diet." Vasco said.

"Mhm, that's right." I said.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Daniel asked.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I came her to get something to eat." I said and went to get something for dinner.

"So Vasco. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Ah... I... Am..." Was all Vasco could say.

"Did you came to help out little Daniel?" I asked.

"He wanted to be at my side for some reason." Daniel said.

"Hmm.... Could it be possible of you not losing weight even when working out so much? That must be it. Am I right Vasco?" I said turning my attention away from Daniel.

"Am... Y-yeah." Vasco said.

"Are you okay? You're not usually like this." I asked Vasco worried.

"Yes. I-I'm fine." He said while blushing.

"That's not gonna convince me. Let's go. Daniel, you can take care of the store." I said and grabed Vasco by the hand and pulled him out.

"So. What's going on? Are you really alright?" I asked worryingly, still holding his hand in mine.

"I... I'm realy alright. There's no need to worry about me." Vasco said avoiding eye contact.

"Hmm... Then Why are you avoiding to look at me?" I kind of understood what's going on so I desided to tease him a bit.

"I-I'm not." He said.

I came closer to him and moved the way he was looking but that only made him look the other way. I did that for get times until it was getting annoying so I put my hands on his cheaks and made him look at me.

"That's way more better isn't it?" I said with a smile.

He didn't say anything, Vasco just looked at me blushing madly.

"Well I better go. It's getting late. See ya." *giggles*

'Well this was fun.' I though and walked home. I looked back after a few minutes and he was still standing there when I left.

Two days later

"What should I do today?" I wondered.

'I woke up to early and couldn't get back to sleep. Should I go see how little Daniel is doing?' I though.

I got ready and went to the park where he and Vasco usually work out. As I was walking around looking for them I could hear Vasco yelling.

"Daniel! I'm sorry! Eat it! Eat the damn banana."

"Hey Vasco. What's going on?" I asked while running to him and passed out Daniel but he soon woke up.

"Vasco! You can't wake..." Daniel started to say but soon fainted.

So Vasco started to panic. He put little Daniel on his back and rushed somewhere. So I followed him.

'I'm just hopping nothing bad happened to Daniel.' I though.

He was running so fast I could barely keep up with him.

"Daaaaaniel! Small Daniel fainted!" Vasco yelled.

'I can barely see him there from here. How could Vasco see him? That's somewhat amazing.' I though.

"Ah! Vasco." Daniel said when we were almost there next to Daniel.

"119 didn't respond."

"It's 911, Vasco. Thank you I'm fine." Daniel said the last part to a girl sitting next to him.

'Bad feeling. But something is off. It's not like any other time I had this feeling. Oh no. No no no. This can't be right. I hope I'm mistaking it for something else.' I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice Vasco and Daniel were already gone from my sight.

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