chapter 24

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A/n: I'm sorry everyone for the late update. I've been busy these days so I didn't  got time to write.

It's Vascos birthday tomorrow. I still couldn't think of a gift. I even had to ask Jace for advice. All I know is that he likes dogs and that one hero,who's name also is Vasco.

I walked around town to hopefully find something. It took me all day to find something that Vasco could be happy.

I almost gave up a few times and texted Daniel after few hours. I asked what he will get and he said that he will give pictures of Enu because he loves dogs. It specially retrievers.

At the end of the day I found something that he would like. I was too tired to take another step so I caller my driver. I didn't really like to call him. I felt selfish when I did but I just couldn't do anything about it this time and it was cold outside.

My baby's birthday finaly here

He wanted to celebrate his birthday in a park.

'Is he crazy?  It's winter for fshsjn sake. I just hope we're not gonna be outside.' I though walking to park where everyone else was waiting.

I saw some guys from Vascos gang, Zack and Mira, even little Daniel was already here.

"Hey Y/n! You came."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything, Vasco."

"Hey guys."


I could hear Zack complaining about how cold it is.

"Is big Daniel sick?" Vasco asked.

"Oh yeah... I don't think he's gonna make it." Little Daniel said.

'It's too damn cold. I have to say something.' I though. "Umm,Vasco?"

"Yeah? What is it y/n?"

'He looks to happy for me to say anything. He's enjoying himself. I'm starting to feel bad.' I was thinking. "Congrats,realy."

"Thank you. I'm so happy today."

'He sure is.' I though.

Then a guy from burn knuckles gave Vasco a cake.

Then we all sang him a happy birthday song.

"Vasco you need to make a wish before you blow."

He was thinking hard about it. He thought for so long until wind blew his candles but Vasco being himself pretended that didn't happen and blew out smoke.

"Everyone! Thank you." Vasco said.

"Jace?" I whispered.

"What is it?"

"What about the others from burn knuckles?"

"We all had a party at a pork restaurant... We drew lots to see who would come here."

"I see."

"We didn't need all to die."

"We shouldn't have come to this fools party. Let's go Mira." Zack was ready to leave but Mira stopped him from doing so.

"Zack, be patient. He's having so much fun." Mira whispered.

'It's seriously cold sitting like this. I need to move to get my blood moving in my veins.' I though but then everyone started to give gifts to Vasco.

"Here Vasco! These are pics of Enu's pups." Said Daniel.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Since I know you love dogs."

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