chapter 27

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A/n: I'm sorry for any mistakes you might see. My tablet doesn't want to work with me.

"Seems its gonna rain soon. Great!" I said happily with a smile. "I love it when it rains. I usually take a walk. After that I feel refreshed and calm, its like all my sadness and loneliness been washed away." I told myself.

I started to get ready to go out and explore the city. I took my phone, headphones and key so that I don't get locked out of my own house. Put on my headphones and turned on music, I put key in my small back bag, there was already some shorts and small towel in there that I must have forgotten to take out when I was with aunty and uncle at beach some time ago.

"Oh well. Don't want to bother to take them out now, will do that when I come back.... Probably." I said not too convincing.

I took my raincoat and put it on and did the same with my rain boots and now I was ready to head out. (I imagine the coat and boots to look like this.)


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The city was beautiful and there were still a lot of people walking around

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The city was beautiful and there were still a lot of people walking around. I didn't want that so I searched for a quieter place and soon I found a park. It was beautiful. The trees were lit with some Christmas lights wrapped around its branches. (The pic on the top.)

"So beautiful." I said.

"So are you little lady." A drunk guy said sitting on a bench.

"Thanks?" I said and walked away as fast as I could.

'Damn drunk people. Can't stand being around them but then again... I was drunk just like him too.' *sign*

I continued walking and soon enough in front of me was gate. I was already at the other side of the park and I was met with a nice view of the city.

"Wooow. Its amazing." I said happily with a smile. " I love how the colours shine in the rain."

I was walking around, admiring all the sights and soon I was in front of my school. Immediately Mira popped in my mind telling a story about ghost. A mother that's child was taken away from her when she gave birth and was expelled.

'So on a rainy days like today, she's supposed to be roaming around the halls looking for her child. If someone other than her child meets her she kills them?.... If I remember correctly. She said something about crying and a doll too but I don't remember what exactly. Oh well.' I though and went to see if that story was real.

I was walking around school halls trying to find that storage room or something, where that painting of the mother was supposed to be. Suddenly I herd a scream.

'Its coming closer. That thing is running! And fast.' I though a bit panicking.

"Aahh!" Someone bumped in me and it made me fall on the ground. All I could hear was heavy breathing. I looked the way the breathing was coming.



"What are you doing here?" I asked still surprised.

"I'm here with Mira, Jace and Vasco and-"

"Really? Then let's go! What are you waiting for? Lead the way."  I cut him off.

"Sure." He said, got up and started walking and I followed right behind him.

We soon got where everyone else were. I slowly opened classroom door and peaked in.


"What is it, Mira?" Jace asked.

"There's someone at the door." She said and I could tell that she was scared.

"Don't be scared, Mira. Its just me." I said walking in class so that she could see me.

"What are you doing here?" Mira asked.

"Oh I was just taking a walk and hen I remembered that tale that you told me awhile ago about the mother and her cold so I came to see if its true and then I run into Zack. What about you guys?" I asked.

"I forgot my phone so me and Zack came to get it." Mira said.

Vasco and in wanted to come give the doll to mother ghost so that Vascos wish would be granted. But im not sure if we will go. Just look at him." Jace said and whispered the last two parts.

"Vasco? Would you and Jace like to walk me home? We can check if Zack really signed the painting." I said.

'He's really scared. He's even squeezing that doll he probably took with him as a sacrifice.' I though.

"O-okay." He said.

"Don't worry. Everything is alright. There's nothing to be scared of. Come here big guy." I said and took his arm and pulled him a bit so that he would start moving.

They took me home. We said our goodbye's and parted.

Next day

"Come on guys, hurry up!" I said almost running to see if Zack really did signed the picture.

"We're coming. No need to rush." Zack said.

"Be careful or you will fall running and jumping like that y

"Don't worry about me, Mira."  I said.

"We're here." Daniel said.

We got there and opened the storage room and went in.

"Hey Zack. What is this?" Jace asked.

"There's no signature." I said.

"Ack! Zack! There! On the window... Your signature!" Mira yelled pointing at window besides picture.

"Come on Zack. You just signed anywhere." Jace said.

All of us were shocked and some were scared but then.

"Ahh!" Mira yelled again.

"Is that pee?!" Jace said.

"Zack passed out!" Daniel said.

'He probably saw something yesterday. He wouldn't react like this if he didn't.' I though.

"Someone needs to take him to the infirmary." I said.

There were few minutes of complete silence but then I saw hand being lifted.

"I will do it."

"You will, Jace?" I asked.

"Mhm. I don't want Vasco to carry him like... this."

"I see. Well good luck then. See you later." I said and walked out.

Other than this adventure rest of the day was pretty boring.

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