chapter 2

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The day went by fast. Nothing much happened just talked to Mira and had to beat the shit out of those 3 idiots for bullying Jiho.

As the day went by and school ended I had to go grocery shopping because I had nothing to eat at home. Maybe I could invite little Daniel over the weekend.

When I was finally done shopping I went to see little Daniel at the convenience store. As I got closer I saw those 3 idiots smoking with some blondie.

As I walked closer I saw Jiho running out of the store hiding something under his shirt and little Daniel chasing him. He helped Jiho get up when he fell as well as picked up the thing that he was trying to hide. Charger?

'what's going on?' I though as I stood far enough away from them. As I started to walk closer I heard one of them say to Jiho to fight Daniel and if he wins they will free him. Jiho did start to hit Daniel.

"Enough!" I yelled at the same time as someone else not far away from us. I turned and saw a tall guy with tattoos on both arms. He did look like a gungster at first but his eyes told me otherwise. They held kindness as well as anger.

I looked at him with shocked expression as I heard those idiots say.

"Hey, that's Vasco."
"From architecture department?"
"What the?!"

"Jiho! Daniel! Are you guys alright?" I rushed to them and hugged them.

Now I was pissed off. How could they bully those who are weaker than they?

'That's it they are not gonna get home without atleast a broken nose. They have gone too far.'I though stepping closer.

"UGH!" I heard someone let out some weard noise. I turned and saw Vasco holding one of them by his throat.

"Amazing." I exlaimed. I knew he heard me because he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I then went to the other two and beat the shit out of them. Now they lied on the ground with blood coming from their noses and mouths.

I knew I looked fragile like a flower but don't be desived by my looks. I am pretty strong some say even stronger than some guys like Zack and I definitely was.

"Thanks, Vasco." I said to him with a smile.

"You know me? You from our school?" He asked.

"Yup. Fashion department." Me and Jiho said.

"Fashion? That's the transfer student's class, right?" Vasco asked.


"The one that knocked down Zack?"

'I'm a transfer too you know.' I though.

"Yes Vasco." Jiho said.

"Tell the new guy. Don't screw around." Vasco said as a single tear run down his cheak.

"Please don't cry Vasco." I said looking at him a bit worried. I took out my hankercheef from my pocket to wipe away the tear. He looked really surprised when I did that.

"He's not a bad guy. He even helped Jiho. He doesn't get bullied at school anymore because of him. So be nice to him. Okay? How about we eat lunch together tomorrow? How does that sound?" I asked. I really did wanted to eat with him. He was a nice guy. He nodded and blushed slightly.

"Cute." I chukled at how cute he looked. I guess my invitation can wait.

"Alright see you guys tomorrow at school." I said goodbye and went straight home.

I know this is a really short chapter.
I want to apologise for any grammar mistakes. English is my second language.

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