chapter 11

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Part 2

"Hey, Zack. Let's go get Daniel and Vasco. We still have about 20 min until meeting them." I said. 

We all went to a cafe where we were before. As I walked in Daniel and Vasco came running to me. Then they saw Mira, Jiho and Yui with us so I guessed he understood why me and Zack run out.

"Damn. I need something sweet." I said.

"Here you go. I'm not sure what it is but that's something you wanted when you asked." Daniel said handing my drink that I forgot about.

I took a sip and it was some kind of watermelon drink and it sure was sweet.

'I don't know why but sweet things always calmed me down. Almost like sucking all of my energy out for a little bit.' I though drinking this amazing drink.

"We should get going. Those bastartds probably are waiting for us." I said. I was feeling a little tired.

"Vasco. Help me out again. Please?"

"Sure. What do you want?" He asked.

"Piggyback ride. I feel tired."

"You shouldn't have drank all of that. You know what sweet things does to you." Zack said.

"Yeah yeah. You sound like my aunty." 


"Yup. I lived with uncle and aunty before starting school. Again." I said but the last part I whispered. Hopefully for them not to hear. Everyone were silent and didn't try to say anything.

"We should get going. We don't want to be late." I said as I got on Vascos back.

When we finally got there, there were another 3 chimpanzees waiting for us.  They were from the same school as the first ones because of the uniform the were wearing was the same.

I got of Vascos back as I heard those chimpanzees talking about how they will beat us and how he beat up Jiho who was next to Mira, behind guys and me. Vasco was about to give them some beating but Zack stopped him.

"Just a sec. I'm first. You three come here." He said.

"What did he say?
"Lol. What a clown."  Chimpanzees said.

"Haha you're funny. You want all three of us?" One guy said coming closer to Zack.

"How old are you guys?" He asked.  He was close enough to Zack to kick him. I knew what he was trying to do and probably Zack too. Sneak attack. He tried to kick Zack in the head but Zack obviously dudged it.

"Hell yeah! Awesome Zack.!" I yelled excitedly. Still tired but not as much.

Zack then grabed the guys head and smashed it against the wall. The other two guys and the girl where suprised about Zack. Well who wouldn't be.

"Next." Zack said.

I saw Zack wobble a bit.

'Is he tired? Could it be because of what I did to him at the cafe? He did hit his head.' I though. Ir seems that Vasco saw that Zack was tired too.

"Now let me." Vasco said.

"I got this." Was the only thing Zack said. He then glanced at the back my way.

"Next." Zack said.

The gorilla came and tried to get a hold of Zack but he dudged every time. It seemed like the gorilla let his guard down a bit and Zack took the opportunity to punch the guy in the face multiple times.

Zack bearly could stand at this point. I started to get really worried about him but I couldn't do anything now. I still didn't have my full strength back.

Then the monkey came closer to Zack.  He seemed scared at first but he saw how tired Zack was. He tried to punch Zack.

Zack gave him one last punch just like Daniel did when they fought the first time. Right in the solar plexus. Zack probably put every power left in him in that punch.

"Hey scam artist. The nationals are nothing. Being fast isn't everything. How does that feel?" Zack said.

"There he is!"
"Seoungpyo, we're here."
"Here! Found you." A bunch of chimpanzees came out of nowhere.

"Haha. Now you're fucked. You assholes. We are the top dogs here." Said the guy whose face got smashed against a wall.

Zack was out of energy.  When Vasco stood in front of him so I went to Zack to help him come back and sit down so that he could rest.

"Mira take care of Zack for me." I said to her

"You did great Zack and now rest." I said and walked next to Vasco.

"I got your back. So do what you have to do."

Those annoying monkeys kept on talking and it made my head hurt. Right then we heard a motor roaring near us when the sound stopped behing us.

"What's this Vasco?"
"The boss should come out last."
"How can you do this to us?"
"You always should go around with us." The other members of BNC said.

"Hey Jace." I said to him. He just waved at me.

"Rest, Vasco. We'll take care of this." Jace said.

Jace and others the beat up those monkeys.

'Why do I feel so dizzy' I though and stumbled a bit. Hopping no one saw that. I didn't want to worry everyone. I saw the gorilla came behind Vasco grabbing him by the shoulders but Vasco easily lifted his arms and sqeezed his shoulder making him kneel before Vasco.

I couldn't focus much. My head hurt a lot and I was feeling dizzy. My vision started to black out until darkness Was all I saw. At that moment I knew I was about to faint. But before I could fall on the cold, hard dround I felt warm and strong arms catch me before I lost my conciseness.

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