chapter 14

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Part 2

It was the next day. And when I woke up I was still in Zacks arms. I didn't knew if I should move or not. I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so at peace.

I needed fresh air so I tried to get up trying not to wake him.

"Don't go..." Zack murmured in his sleep until he opened his eyes. I could feel my face getting warmer.

"Shhh. Don't wake others." I said placing my hand on his mouth.

"What time is it?" Zack asked.

"It's still too early to get up, so go back to sleep. I'm going for a walk."

"Can I come? I'm already up."

"If that's what you want then sure."

It was a bit chilly out side even with my hoodie.

"What happened yesterday when I fell asleep?" I asked Zack.

"Well I tried to put you to your bed but you were just clinging to me and didn't let go and then everyone laughed. And soon after everyone was sleeping so you didn't miss much. It wasn't as fun with you sleep there. And we tried not to be loud so that you could get some sleep."

"Yui must of have been jealous." I said imagining Yui being jealous over me.


"She does have a thing for you. I think from the time you beat her ex. She has been trying to be next to you and get your attention."

"Really? I thought she was just being  annoying. I don't care about her."

"Then who do you care about?" I asked. Now he was this adorable red tomato looking at me.

"You and Mira." He said as we stopped.

I was looking at him when I heard footsteps so he quickly took my hand and hid us behing a house. At this point I was pressed against his chest. His hands wrapped around me. Holding me tight to his body. I could hear heartbeat quickening as one of the workers went by.

Something about the heartbeat just calmed me down. It was something that always relaxed me. It also ment that this person was alive. I didn't want to lose anyone.

"I think we better go back." Zack said.

"Yeah. It's almost time for everyone to wake up."

When we got back to mine and Miras room I saw Jiho and Daniel had scribbles on. Well Jiho had changed his skin tone and Daniel had a beard and mustauch and goof writen on one of his cheak.

"You didn't told me about being painted if fallen asleep first. Is there something else you're hiding from me?" I said to Zack.  He was blushing.

"I'm guessing you didn't alowed them to scribble me?" He just nodded.

"We better wake everyone up." I said. We woke everyone up. Guys and Yui went to their rooms and me and Mira got ready.

After breakfast we had recreation rafting. Girls and boys were in different bouts. And I was in the one where the tall instructor were. I still didn't like him.

He then splashed water on us. Other girls didn't mind having splashed cold water on them but not me.

"Are you trying to get me sick?"

"Isn't it okay if it's just a little splash?"

"No! Not for me. I hate cold water." I said to that girl who was sitting in front of me.

After that annoying boat ride we had to play some games and at the end of the day, the instructors gave a speach while we were holding a candle in our hands that were in a cups so that the wax would drip on our hands.

"The candle represents a personal sacrifice to light up its surroundings. Let's think about what people are candles for us."

While they were talking I though about my aunty and uncle. About how much they have done for me these past years. I was really thankful to them. I could feel my eyes getting watery.

"Our parents!" Someone yelled.

"Ofcourse our parents. The face we'll see tomorrow. Think of your mom."

Then they started talking about parents. That's where I blowed my candle. I didn't want to think about them. Tears now spilling don't my cheaks. I couldn't stop them. Zack must of have seen because he started to pat my head gently.

"Thanks." I said to him looking at ground.

When they finally finished their speach everyone went to their rooms. This was the last day here and tomorrow we would be going back home.

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