The Demon and the Neko (Giant Antisepticeye x Tiny Neko Reader)

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I haven't posted in a while, but I got a lot planned in the near future, I hope you like it!!!!


It was a cold night, filled with the sounds of busy streets. The city was crazy, but it never really bothered Anti as he continued down the street. Demons, Predators, and Humans seemed to fill the city, making it seem as if the place never really slept. Anti scoffs and places his hoodie over his head and places his hands in his pockets. He didn't really seemed to care about his surroundings right now. All he really cared about was getting home so he can finally relax.

He was only a few blocks away from his apartment when he heard a commotion coming from the alley way that was ahead of Anti. With curiosity, he faded into the shadows of the walls and observed.

It seemed that a Human and a Inu Predator seemed to be tossing something back and fourth, but Anti couldn't really seem to see what it was they were toying with. Anti came closer to arms reach of the men, still safe in the shadows.

Now that Anti was closer, he was able to see that it was a Tiny Neko! Anti couldn't believe his eyes. Why in their right minds think that it was okay to toss a Tiny back and fourth like that?!

Anti started to glitch, causing the two men to stop and look around, confused as to where the flickering came from.

"Hello? Who's out there?" The Inu asked, making Anti's shadow form loom from the walls.

"Ah, its just a Demon!" The Human chuckles, tossing the Tiny up in the air and catching it.

"What do you got there?" Anti growls, making the two look at the small creature.

"That's none of your business." The Inu chuckles.

"Well what if it was my business?" Anti glitched.

"Well, I guess we have to show you what happens when you mess with us!" The Human yells.

"Will, calm down why don't ya? This is a Demon you're threatening!" The Inu mumbles.

"You should listen to your pal, Will. Especially if you're nothing but a weak Human, you should respect me!" Anti spat.

Out of all the species there was, Demons were known to be the most powerful. It doesn't matter what kind of Predator you're dealing with, Demons always have the upper hand in a battle. Humans were there just to be there, so this one was either brave or just stupid to be threatening Anti like that!

"Just shut it and let me handle the dumb guy!" He yells to his Inu friend, "And who do you think you are, telling us what to do?!" Will growls, squeezing the small Tiny in his fist out of anger.

"L̶̢̟͇͖̬̠̩̈́̇̆̔͒e̸̼̗̰̙͝t̴͎͇̺̘̺͒͋ ̴̢̩̙̼̪̮̺̒g̸̻̰̤̹͔̬̹̚͝ǫ̸̩̩̍̋͐̂̃̑̕ ̴̢̡̙̼͎̟̭̍͌o̴̲̤͌͑̉͋f̶͍͙̯̹̈́ ̶̞̼͐̅̂̂͆̆̂t̵͕̿͆̃̇ḧ̶̛̟̞͈̮͘ę̴̟̰́͛̚ ̸̭͈͚̣̰̣́̈́̒̚͝͠Ţ̸̙͔̓͐̔ī̴̢̙̪̳̹̼̿͗̐n̷̢̨̪̝͒̌̉̑̑̐ý̸̢͇͍̣͙͈.̴̪̾̓̇̔̄͛" Anti growls slowly as his head starts twitching.

"What are going to do about it?!" Will growls taking a step closer to the green haired Demon.

In a quick swift move, Anti disappears and glitches behind the Inu, placing a knife against his neck. Anti's laugh starts to go haywire as Will turns around and widens his eyes in shock.

"Felix!!!" The Human yelps, glaring daggers in Anti's glitching eyes.

Anti digs the knife into Felix's neck, making blood seep out of the corner of the Inu's mouth.

"L̵̤̅ë̴̮́̿t̶̡͖͋̽ ̵̧͐͠t̷͔̕h̵̡͉̃̎e̸̡̛̺ ̵͙̏̓T̸̼̄̿į̵̆̊n̴̻̲͊y̵͉̻̅ ̵̢̙̑̈́g̸̬͊̄o̴̪͊͝,̷̤̈́ ̶̪̪̅a̸̡̻͗n̴̳̱̓̑d̴̞̞̔̚ ̷̝͂̓ẙ̸̡̢ǫ̸̖͑u̷͕̒r̴͍͈̄̓ ̶̢̿f̸̮̍ŗ̶̊i̶̞̍e̵͖͇̋͑n̴̡̬̈́̎d̴̙̳̒̓s̷͙̻͑ ̷̫̿̅l̷̳̮̓ḯ̵͈͝f̴̼͖̃͆è̷̹ ̵̗̓c̵͚̺̀a̶̞̔͝ņ̴̩̀ ̴̥̓̀b̸̦̈́ȅ̸̝̆ ̷̤̆s̸̙̃̊p̷̧͓̈͠â̶̬̄r̴̨̫̄̈e̸̬̍́d̴͚͐.̵̈́͘ͅͅ" Anti glitched, watching as Will helplessly stood there in shock.

"Fine, we can find another one somewhere else, just let him go!!!" Will pleaded, placing the Tiny down onto the ground and backing up slowly.

Anti nods in approval and shoves Felix onto the ground, making him gag and hold the cut on his neck. The Predator and Human both run off out of the Alley way without looking back, allowing Anti to calm himself and his glitch.

He then sighs and looks at where the little Tiny sat. They were unconscious, and seemed to be in terrible condition. Anti didn't know why he felt the need to go through all of that trouble just to save such a small creature, there was something about this one that made him feel- bad.

Anti gently scooped up the Tiny Neko and gasps, realizing that the Tiny seemed to be a young child! Anti cursed and looked at the exit of the Alley way, wishing that the men didn't run off that soon, or he would've ripped them apart bit by bit.

What in their right mind thought it was okay to traumatize a Tiny, especially if it was just a child?! Anti gently placed the Tiny in the pocket of his hoodie and kept his fist gently wrapped around them, keeping them warm as he hurried home.

Anti shut the door of his apartment and places the Neko onto his couch, running off to get his first aid kit. When Anti soon came back, he noticed that the small Neko was wide awake.

"H̶ey̵ ̶t̷here̴." Anti cooes, trying his best not to glitch out.

The Neko blushes and looks down, their (H/c) tail surrounding their body. Anti gets down on his knees and carefully looks at the Tiny. It was odd, Anti didn't really understand why he felt connected to the small thing. It was just instinct to show himself to those guys and save the Neko's life.

"It's o̷-̵ok̷ay, i'm not gonna hurt you, your safe with me." Anti gently smiled, brushing his finger down their back.

That seemed to calm the Tiny, making them purr as Anti continued to stroke the Neko. It took a while until they were able to fully look up at Anti and smile. Anti's chest seemed to flutter with joy seeing that they were okay.

"Are you doing any better?" Anti asks, making the Tiny nod.

Anti couldn't get over how young they were, they seemed to be around the age 4, too young to be able to function out in the city alone!

"Do you have a name?" Anti asks, making them hold their throat and sigh.

"Ah-" They try to speak, making Anti awe in realization.

"Oh, your one of those little guys are you?" Anti sympathized, watching as they slowly look down and nod.

Anti thought back to when he first encountered someone like them. The Tinies who can't speak were once an experiment. They were once normal people, but scientists snached a few orphans here and there from around the world to test some syrum on them. One thing lead to another, they ended up loosing a lot. Some lost their memories, hearing, eyesight, and in some cases, their ability to talk

"Is there a way you can tell me then?"  Anti asks, making the Neko jump up and smile.

They motion Anti to place his hand in front of them and he ended up getting what they were implying. Anti ended up taking them to his room and placed them on his desk full of papers and pencils. Anti broke off a piece of lead on the end of a pencil and handed it to them, making them smile and start to draw the name out.

"(Y/n)?" Anti asked, making them nod in approval.

"Well, (Y/n), I'm Anti!" The Demon smiled, placing his pinkie finger in front of them, making them grab the finger and shake it.

Who knew that a Demon would grow fond of a Tiny Neko?

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