Smile Always (Giant Tyler x Tiny Reader)

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I thought that I should do another member of Teamiplier and thought that Tyler was a good choice, right now i'm getting so many requests, I'm trying to catch up with all of them! I'm not complaining one bit, I'm just so thrilled to see so much love and support get thrown my way. I can't say this enough, even though I've said it to the point to where someones gonna punch me in the face for thanking them to much! Anyway, I don't want to keep you from reading this new chappy, so here you are!!!


I fall and hit my arm on the ground and shout in pain. The cats surround me and watch in amusement as I try to crawl away. Why did I not pay attention to my surroundings, now I'm gonna die because of my stupid self! I slowly stand up and turn to face the three Felines. I wipe the blood running down my face and huff, trying to act big in front of these cats. Hopefully my act can scare them away, but the fact that I'm trying to act big and tough in front of these three giant cats that were easily three times taller than me just didn't sound smart. And well, it wasn't.

"C'mon!" I yell at the cats. One of the Felines slowly crouches down and jumps. The giant cat pounces on to me, leaving only my head and feet from poking out from under the cat's paw.

I shout in pain and agony as I feel its claws dig into my skin. It purrs and purrs, kneading at my weak form. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the two other cats quickly vanish and run out to the alley way.

"Hey, Shoo!" I hear a low voice usher closer to where I was. The cat that had me pinned looked up, hissed and quickly ran off where the others went.

I lay on my side and wince in pain, ignoring what scared the mangy beasts away. Whatever it was, It was no doubt going to be much scarier than what I just went through, so might as well just let whatever happens happens.

"Hey, you ok little thing?" I feel something gently wrap around my body and lift me up.

Everything around me seemed to be spinning more and more. I couldn't help but allow myself to sink into total silence, feeling my mind shut off.

Third Person P.O.V.

Tyler gently picks up the tiny and cradles them close to his chest. He was just walking down the sidewalk when he heard distant shouts and cats complaining. Thankfully, he caught the cats on time and scared them off. But when he came to see what they were playing with, he couldn't help but feel pure pity for the poor thing.

He quickly rushes to his home and places the small figure on one of his soft towels and goes to find his first aid kit. Rushing back into the bathroom where he left them, he places his kit down and gently picks them up. Poor thing had scratches all over them. Not to mention how cold they were! He sighs and gets to work. He cleans the cuts and tries his best to wrap them up. Once he was finally successful, he grabbed a basket and placed the wrapped up figure into it, smiling with pride.

"Now, we just wait!" He smiles, sitting down to check his phone.

-Three hours later-

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I wake up to feel a soft fabric around me. Weird. I don't remember having a soft blanket? I try to sit up, but wince as my whole body screams in pain. I open my eyes and look around. Where am I?! I sit up slowly this time and look to my left, seeing a giant lay on his couch sound asleep.

Then everything hits me all at once. I was attacked by those cats! And I think he saved me? Speaking of cats, what did my injuries look like? I look at my arms and torso and notice that I was all bandaged up.  He did save me. Why would a Human do that?

"Feeling any better?" The Giant asked, making me jump out of my skin.

I stare at the giant man wide eyed and slowly nod. I didn't know what to do but sit there and stay still. He slowly sits up and yawns, stretching his arms in the process.

"You hungry?" He asks. At the mention of food, my stomach growls like crazy. I blush and try to shrink myself into a little ball.

"I'll take that as a yes!" He comes up to me and places his hand right next to me, palm in the air.

I look up at him and down at his hand. He was offering me a ride? I look back up at him. He was a broad man, no doubt about it. He had brown curly hair and brown eyes. His smile seemed kind enough to trust. Now that I thought about it, I decided that I can trust him. I mean, he did save my life. I slowly climb onto his hand and hug my legs to my chest. He gently curls his fingers to prevent me from falling and walks to what seemed to be his kitchen. He gently places me on the counter and begins his cooking.

"What kind of food do you like?" He asks.

I stay silent and tilt my head. I never really thought of it. I was a scavenger. I always ate leftovers that were tossed in the trash, so I never really knew what it was like to have fresh food.

"What do you eat?" He asked.

I look around and stop as the trash sat beside the wall. I point to that and stare at him, seeing his expression turn to pure horror.

"Really? You never had real food before?" He gasps.

I blush and shake my head. I don't really remember eating real food, but I never really cared either, I just worry about what would help me live or not.

"We are going to make some nice food then!" He cheers.

I shyly wait and watch as he whips up some sort of dessert. It takes a while, but he ends up pulling a tray out of the oven and places it down.

"Done!" He sighs with relief.

"W-what are hey..." I mumble.

He looks over at me and smiles wide, hearing me talk the first time. I shrink into myself and look down, feeling I did something wrong.

"They're called chocolate chip cookies! They're probably one of the best tings you'll have in our life!" As he was explaining the food, he breaks off a piece and hands it to me. I blush and gently take the piece from him and take a nibble. What is this?! Why is this so good?!?! I eat bite afer bite until I had no more.

"Did you like it?" He chuckles.

I look up and immediately nod. He laughs and pets the top of my head. I giggle and hide my face in my hands.

"So, I don't think we ever got a proper introduction. Hi, my name is Tyler!" He smiles and holds his index finger out for me to shake.

"I'm (Y/n)." I blush, using both my hands to shake his large finger.

Never have I thought I'd make a Giant friend. And never have I thought he'd save my life.

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