Babysitting (Giant Markiplier x Tiny Antisepticeye)

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(Ok, I couldn't help myself with the picture above! I know this isn't a romantic MarkxAnti chappy, but the frikin comic above got me ballin!!! XDDDD)

MaddisonPain asked for a anti x mark, so here ya'll are!!!


Jack drives down to Marks and sighs as the tiny Anti bickers at him. He's been doing this ever since Jack told him that Mark was going to watch him. Jack was leaving LA to go visit his family  in Ireland for a reunion, but there was going to be too many people there, and he knew that Anti wouldn't be able to handle so many people at once.

Although Anti knew that there were multiple people, he still thought that he could take care of himself while Jack was gone. But, being the overprotective guy he was, he wasn't going to let Anti stay home alone. That's why Jack was going to drop off Anti at Marks place. Mark gladly excepted to watch over Anti. Marks counterpart was off doing whatever, so he thought that it would be fun to try to take care of a smaller demon for once.

"Anti, ye know that I have no choice. I can't have ye stay at the apartment by yourself!" Jack sighs.

"Of course you have a choice! I don't want to be stuck with someone that admires his ugly self for a whole week! That's just torture!" Anti growls.

Jack groans and places his fingers on his nose. Once Jack was at a stop sign, he turned to face Anti, sitting snugly in the passenger seat. Jack hated it when his counter part bickered with him. He acted like a damn child and he was just hoping that Anti could just listen to him for once.

"Anti, please. I have a hell of a lot on my plate right now. I can't have another thing to worry about. Besides, Mark isn't bad at all. Ye just have to meet him in person, not from his videos he makes. He's really a nice guy and puts everyone before himself." Jack explains.

Anti looks down and blows the hair out of his face. Of course he trusted Jack. He couldn't admit it, but Anti gets homesick easily, and it's not gonna help if Jack's not around for a week. Anti looks up at Jack, but notices that he was back to driving. Jack had an irritated face, he looked as if he would be anywhere but here at the moment, and it made Anti feel bad.

For the rest of the ride, Anti wrapped his arms around his legs and placed his head on his knees. He was scared. He didn't want to admit it. After a while, Anti looked up at Jack to notice that he was watching him from the corner of his eye. Jack looked worried, but he still had a slight bit of anger in his expression.

"Were here." Jack says, gently picking up Anti and cups him in his hands.

Anti held his small bag of belongings to his chest as Jack walks up to the door of what seems to be Marks place. Jack knocks on the door and waits a few seconds before the door opened, revealing Mark.

"Hey Jack! So good to see you?" Mark smiles.

"Hey Mark, I'm here with Anti." Jack smiles.

Anti sat still in Jack's palm as Mark looked down and smiled at the cute demon.

"Hi, Anti! It's finally nice to meet you." Mark smiles.

Anti blushed and hid his face deeper into this black t-shirt. Anti didn't like seeing Mark in person, he looked like he had much more muscle than in his videos. Anti honestly has never met any other Giant besides Jack, so he wasn't really used to meeting new people.

"Well, here ye are Mark. I hope he acts accordingly!" Jack smiles, unraveling his hands.

Mark looks down at Anti for approval as Anti gently nods. Mark reaches for him and picks him up, immediately wrapping his fidgets around Anti gently. Anti was surprised, Mark seemed much more gentle than he looked.

"Bye Anti, bye Mark! See ye in a week!" Jack chuckles.

"See ya!" Mark waves with his free hand.

Anti watches as Jack gets in his car and starts it. The small demon slowly hugged himself and whimpered as Jacks car went around the corner, not to be seen until next week...

Mark shuts the door and walks to the living room. He gently places Anti on the coffee table and sits down at the couch. Damn it, Mark must wanna make some small talk!

"So, Anti, what do you wanna do?" Mark smiles.

"Uh-" Anti didn't really know. Usually Jack and him would usually watch a movie and eat dinner by now, its one of their favorite things to do on a Tuesday night.

"A- movie?" Anti squeaks.

"Sure, what movies do you watch?" Mark asks, grabbing the remote to go to Netflix.

"Usually a horror." Anti responds, a little louder than before.

"I'm so glad you said horror!" Mark cheers.

Mark sets up a horror movie and calls a pizza place to get a pepperoni. Apparently Mark despises pineapple on pizza(The only thing I DESPISE ABOUT MARK!!!! Jk, luv ya Markimoo!!!(But still, pineapple belongs on pizza, and if you disagree with me, you can get out of my home!!!(once again, Jk!)))

Once Mark ordered the pizza, he started to play the movie and gave Anti a pillow to lay on. a few minutes into the movie, Mark looks over at Anti and chuckles as the small demon watched the TV screen like his life depended on it. He admitted it, never did Mark think that Anti would be so cute. Mark was debating if Anti should meet Amy this week. Of course, his girlfriend would immediately swoop the little guy up. Now thinking about it, he wasn't so sure if Anti would be able to handle that.

The front doorbell rung as Mark jumped up to go get the pizza. He pays for the pizza and thanks the man before shutting the door and walks to the living room. He suddenly stopped and smiled, looking down at Anti.

He was already silently sleeping. Mark decided that he could just put the pizza in the fridge and eat it for lunch tomorrow. He put the pizza into the fridge and goes back into the living room. He picks up the small Irish demon and cradles him to his chest.

Mark walks into his room and places Anti on the pillow next to his. He gets in his pajamas and comes back to notice that Anti was smiling in his sleep. Mark gently gets in bed and looks at the small man once again before shutting his eyes to go to sleep.

Mark had no reason to be worried, Anti's such a smol potato.

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