Tiny Body, Big Heart (Giant Jacksepticeye x Tiny Youtuber Reader)

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Wow, a chappy posted on time, for once?!?! Well I be shooketh!!! Not to mention how our Irish boi looks pretty damn awesome!!! Look at that picture up above!!!! 😍😲😍😲

Anywho, TheMistroCat requested this loveliness!!! Enjoy!


"-Thanks for watching you guys, I'll see you in the next video, bye!" I smile, waving at the camera.

The second I stop recording, I run a hand through my hair and let out a shaky breath. Hi, I'm (Yt/N) and I am a Youtuber. I have over 16 million subscribers, so you'd think that at least some of them would know one of my biggest secrets. I'm a Tiny.

I have been scared to tell any of my friends or fans who I really am, and It's been a struggle. It's not that I'm ashamed of who I am, its just that i'm scared of what would happen if I were to tell everyone who I am.

Not to mention my best friend, Jack. It's been incredibly hard trying to keep it from him. Now and then when we play games online together, It would almost slip out once and a while. I feel like he's been on to me for the past month now, and I feel that I need to tell him, or I might just loose the one friend that I have.

I lay on my bed and let my thoughts cloud my brain. I didn't have the slightest clue on how to tell my friend. I also wasn't even sure if I should tell my fans! I run a hand through my hair again, and sigh. I think that I should do something about it, no more stalling!

I decided that I should call Jack and see what he was up to. I pick up my phone and go to my contacts. Clicking on Jacks contact, I place the phone to my ear and listen as the phone rings. For each time the phone rings, my heart seems to beat faster.

"Hey, (Y/n)! How's it going dude?" Jack cheers on the other side of the line.

"Uh, pretty good I guess, how about you?"

"Hey, you ok?"

Damn, Jack's catching on. I guess its know or never.

"Uh, yeah, just was wondering if we could meet up somewhere, probably somewhere not crowded, I want to talk to you about something."

"Um, sure, where do you want to meet?" He asks.

Of course he knows somethings up. He's known for such a long time that we live near each other, I would always just have some sort of excuse of why I couldn't hang out. I didn't blame him for thinking that It's weird that I'm the one asking to hang out-in person.

"Uhh, how about Starbucks?" I ask.

"That sounds good, actually, I've been needed to get some espresso in my body, I can't scream my lungs out without my extra spike of energy!" He laughs.

At least he was joking around. I laugh and tell him the time we could meet, and hang up. It's too late to back out now...

I start to ponder on what outfit I should wear. With a half hour of debating, I decided with black jeans, a (F/c) hoodie, and my black vans. I grab my keys and walk out of my apartment. I lived in the Tiny's part of town, since I lived in LA, there was a bunch of different type of neighborhoods for different type of people, big or small.

I get in my car and start to head my way to Starbucks. Since we were Tinies, there were roads for us cars to drive on under the sidewalks of the actual roads for the Giants. It made it much easier to do things, and helps get around faster. If you were a Tiny, all you would have to do is look up and you'll see tons of Giants feet walking above your head in the transparent bullet proof glass. It was surprisingly tough also, it has never really broke before, so nobody ever really did worry much if it would break someday.

I finally make my way to the Giant's Starbucks and park my car underground. I find my way up the small stairs that made it to the surface of the ground, and what do ya know. Jack was already sitting down with his drink, messing on his phone, waiting for me.

I swallow the lump that was stuck in my throat and begin the walk. It wasn't too far, thankfully. It also wasn't much of a struggle climbing up. It's provided that ll furniture should have at least stairs or a ladder. I climb up the ladder of the table and finally made it to where I was face to face with my Giant friend.

"Jack?" I mumble, getting him to look up in confusion.

"(Y/n)?" Jack calls out.

I clear my throat and watch as my Irish friends eyes slowly go down to reach my eye level. He didn't do anything but just stare. I started to shift uncomfortable in my place as he slowly rolls his eyes and smirks. Was he mad? He seemed more amused than mad.

"So, this is why you never wanted to meet, right?" Jack asks.

"Uhh-" Of course it was! I'm scared out of my wits that he might just get mad and never talk to me again, which I think I deserve...

"Yeah, it is..." I sigh, looking down. I admit it, I was ashamed for keeping the biggest secret from my friend.

Jack sighs and places his chin onto his arms, getting to where he was somewhat my height. He gently smiles and shakes his head.

"How come you never told me? I don't mind that you're a Tiny, I think it's actually pretty cool!" Jack chuckles.

"R-really?" I stutter, watching as my friend places his hand in front of me. Was he asking if he could pick me up?

I blush and slowly step into his hand. He gently curls his fingers over me and lifts me up to his eyes. "Of course, why else do you think I have so many fans. I don't really see size, I just see who they are as a person, and might I say just because you're a Tiny, it doesn't mean that you have a tiny heart. You're an amazing guy, and I'm proud to be your friend." Jack chuckles.

I couldn't help but gush as I hug his cheek. He laughs and tries his best to hug me back. I was glad that he really cared. I just wished I told him sooner!

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