I think I'm gonna like it here (Giant Markiplier x Tiny Reader)

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I peek from the side of the toaster and observe the giant in front of me. I was so close to getting caught, I just hope he didn't see me. The giant man moves closer to my vision, a concerned but curious look on his face. Damn it, I think I was caught! I look behind me, seeing my safe little hole in the wall not to far from me. I rub my ankle and wince. I fell on my ankle the wrong way yesterday, and it was just getting worse. I had to try though, I had to escape.

If I just make it on time, I'll need to go to my den, pack as fast as I can, and get the hell outta here! I time myself as I take the risk of running to my hole. I get closer, and closer, and closer! BAM!!! Something stops me as I hit a warm soft surface. Too afraid to move, I take a peak through my squinted eyes only to see a large tan hand scoop me up. Nausea gets the best of me as I feel his eyes look me up and down. I couldn't bare to open my eyes, I don't wanna look at the man that was holding me captive.

I try to get up and jump from his hand to the table, only to get pinned down by his thumb. I squeak and cover my face, hiding my emotions.

"Hey, your okay, take it easy i'm not gonna hurt ya." His low voice boomed all around me, even if he was trying to whisper.

I didn't do anything but hide my self. He let out a sigh and pulls my hands away from my face with his pinkie. I squeeze my eyes shut and look away as best as I can, but he easily was able to place his pinkie on my chin and slowly lift it up. I slowly open my eyes, but only to see his concerned face.

He was tan, and built, his build was big, it looked like he lifted weights daily! He had black raven hair, and mocha colored eyes. Just staring into them made me hypothesized, I'm just not sure if it was in a good way or bad way.

"Whats your name?" The man asked me, still at a whisper.

I was too afraid to speak or move, at this point he didn't even need to place his thumb on top of me anymore. I knew that giants were big, but I never imagined being this close to one! I felt too nauseated, I felt like I was about to pass out. Black spots seemed to fill my vision, my breathing became more violent and wild.

"H-hey, calm down, it's okay!" The man sounds apologetic once he realized I was getting foggy, but it was too late.

-1 hour later-

I felt a soft fabric around me, it was the most gentle feeling I have ever felt. I was so tired, I didn't want to move. What happened? I snuggle deeper in the fabric, hearing a chuckle from across the room. I jumped up and looked around, seeing that I was wrapped in a red flannel. I look across the room to see the giant cooking something, it smelled... good?

"I see your awake!" The giant man exclaims, not turning around to face me.

I slowly slide out of the flannel and try to stand, only to fall on my knees. I was too weak to move! I try to stand up again, only for my injured leg to break out from under me. I squeak and fall to the floor, making the giant look at me in concern.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I hear the giant ask as he walked closer. I look up in fear and quickly scoot back. I feel my back touch the soft flannel, I couldn't move anymore! The giant stops and gets on his knees, making it to where we were both eye level.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

I hesitated, but nodded. It was true, I never get good sleep, it was impossible, thanks to other nasty things that also crawled in the walls, I always had to keep my guard up, even in my sleep. But this one was different. I didn't feel the need to keep my guard up.

"That's good." He grinned. My face then suddenly went pale. Why did I even think that I could trust him?!

"P-Pre-" I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. Having a human giant catch you was horrible, but a predator?! That was a different story.

I would rather fall to my death than have my fate be in the hands of a predator, literally. He instantly covered his mouth, as if we said something that would make a sailor cringe. I hugged my legs to myself as close as possible, afraid if I made a single noise or move, I would be punished.

"Well, that's not at all how I thought it would go down." He sighs, running a hand down his face.

"A-are you going to-" I shake in fear, I couldn't help but place my hand on my throat, feeling his eyes stare right into mine.

"No, i'm not. I'm not like other predators. I despise predators that think its okay to treat tiny's like you in such a poor manner, not to mention what they do to you little guys when their finished..." He looked down and frowned. I stared at him deeply in the eyes. He really isn't what I thought he was, was he?

After a few seconds of his sorrowful emotions, he shook his head and gave me a smile, without showing his teeth this time.

"Care for some food, I'd figure you would be starving just about now!" He gets up and walks to the table where he was originally at.

Now that he's mentioning it, I completely forgot about the smell of delicious food in the air. He comes back with a tiny ripped napkin full of food. He places it in front of me, making me look at the food and back at him.

"Go on, try it!" He smiles.

I slowly look at the plate and tilt my head. I've never seen food like this before. He rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Its bacon and pancakes, if you've been borrowing from me for a while, you'll notice that I barley make them, only when I have guests.

I nod and look at what seems to be the bacon. I heard of bacon and pancakes before, I just never have seen them in person. I started to borrow on my own about three months ago, and the other home I borrowed at always ate chips and junk for every meal of the day.

I slowly sniff the bacon and admire the detail. Without hesitation, I take a nibble of the bacon. My eyes went wide as I look up at him and the bacon, still chewing the piece in my mouth he chuckles and watches as I scarf the rest of the bacon and pancakes up. I finally finish and look up at the giant. He picks up the tiny napkin in front of me and throws it away. I slowly try to stand, only for him to come back and get on his knees once again.

"Can I see?" He asks, referring to my leg.

I blush, but slowly nod. He slowly moved his hand towards me, picking me up. He examines my ankle and nods

"I think I might need to put some bandages on it, only if you don't mind?" He asks.

I shake my head and blush even more as he takes me to his bathroom. He sets me down on his bathroom sink and goes through his drawers. It takes him a while before I hear him make a 'Ah ha!' sound. He lifts up a wrap of bandages, cuts them to my size, and offers his hand at me. I allow him to pick me up again as he wraps my ankle in the small bandage. I was surprised by how gentle he was at doing so, it made me feel better.

"There, better!" He cheers.

I look at the gentle wrapping on my ankle, I felt much better! I blush and look up at the giant from his hand as he giggles. He really is not what he seems.

"I never got to introduce myself! The name is Mark!" He points at himself and puffs his chest out, showing off his broad abs.

I blush and giggle, looking up at the gentle giant. "I'm (Y/n)." I think i'm gonna like it here.

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