Star-crossed Bros | Pt 2 (Giant Jacksepticeye x Tiny Markiplier)

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Goatloverforever requested a jack x mark, and I thought might as well make it a pert two for the one I wrote not long ago! Enjoy!!!


It was a day after Mark and Jack first saw each other for the first time. Honestly, Mark thought that it would take a while to get used to seeing Giants around him 24/7, but he surprisingly wasn't as scared as he thought he'd be. He was actually loving being around Giants. It hasn't helped him get different views of the world, but different experiences too!

Jack, on the other hand, was worried. Jack has never really been around Humans, so when Mark told Jack that he was one, Jack was both exited but scared. He didn't want to accidentally hurt Mark, or even worse! The Irish man would put the thought in the back of his head now and then, but still couldn't help but constantly worry about his small friend.

But Jack still had a blast ever since Mark came! They have been playing lots of video games together, and did tons of challenges too! Mark also came over one of his other biggest fears, and it was telling the world that he was Human! Their was a lot of hate, but way more love that Mark could ever imagine. Mark was proud to be able to have his fans there for him when he needed them the most.

After doing what they did that day, Mark and Jack were lazily slouching on the couches in the living room. They had no idea what to do, they were officially bored!

"Uuuuuuggghhhhhh!!!!" Jack groans, tilting his head towards Mark.

"Jack! I'm bored, entertain me!" Mark whines, looking at his friend desperately.

"Hmmm, how about we play a game of hide and seek?" Jack shrugs.

"That's inconsiderately childish and stupid. I like it!" Mark cheers, "but there should be a twist to the game. Like whoever looses has to eat a pepper."

"Sure, I actually just got some habanero peppers the other day, we can use those!"

"Lets make this a video!" Mark giggles, sitting up at incredible speed.

"Yas!!!" Jack cheers.

Jack gently scoops Mark up and runs to their camera stuff. Jack sets Mark down at the small guest room and allows him to get his own camera supplies. It was required by law to have stair cases on furniture and have at least a room or two specifically meant for Humans to be built in a Giants home.

Mark runs through the room and grabs his supplies. Once he was done, he heard Jack waiting next to his door.

"C'mon bro! This is gonna be fun!" Jack jumps up and down at Marks door.

Mark walks out with his camera in hand, ready to make this video. Jack bends down and picks up Mark, taking him to the living room. The Irish man sets down the small Human and nods at Mark, giving him the signal that he was about to record.

"WHPOOSH!!! TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!!! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome BACK to another video!!!" Jack cheers, doing his normal everyday intro.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today i'll be playing a little game with the one and only Jacksepticeye!!!" Mark does his intro after him.

"My intro was better than that." Jack smirks, making the Human roll his eyes.

"Uh huh, yeah, sure it was." Mark chuckles, going back to his camera.

Once both the Youtubers explained their game, they went off! Obviously, Mark was the one that was hiding, and Jack seeking. Jack waited for five minutes for Mark to go and hide. It took a while to find the perfect spot, but he found it!

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