I Promise! (Giant Darkiplier X Tiny Reader)

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LPPCHAN requested a Pred Dark x Tiny Reader, so here ya'll go!!!

(Warning, contains Fearplay and mouthplay, so if you don't like either of those, just skip over.)

I can't see anything. I can't feel at all. I've been so numb for such a long time, I can't seem to remember what it was like to feel. Well, I can feel emotions, they're just not- good emotions. The cold steel made my back ache as I stared at the single light that hung over me. I flinch as I hear the door open and close, the single light started to flicker at every step he took.

"Oh, (Y/n)." His low voice sighed, watching as I slowly open mine.

I stay silent as he smirks and leans down and examines me. He nods and sits back up and walks to the other side of the table. I lay still and keep my eyes on him as he reaches down and grabs onto the back of my shirt.

"You're never fun to tease anymore, you've lost your light." He mourned.

He places me in the palm of his hand and allows his claw to trace from my temple down to my chin. A shiver goes through my spine as he continues the process of tracing my face. My breath hitches once I feel his grip on my hair lift me up.

"AHHH!!!" I shout, grabbing onto his fingers while trying to lift myself up.

"Once I met you, you had the biggest smile, what happened?" He asked, completely ignoring the fact that I was in severe pain.

"You..." I mutter.

"What was that?" Mark grabs to my feet with his free hand and pulls. I yell and scream in agony, my body feels as if two dogs were playing a game of tug a war, and I was the rope.

"N-Nothing!" I wailed, feeling as if my body were to rip in two.

"Nothing?" Dark cooes.

"Nothing, Sir." I yelp.

He then lets go and places me gently back onto his palm. I breath heavily and sob. I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want this anymore. I don't...

"Are you falling asleep on me (Y/n)?" He asked.

"No Sir." I respond.

"Good." He chuckles.

I lay on my stomach, too weak to move as he starts to pet me with his claw once again. I feel his claw trace down my spine and cut my skin, feeling my blood run down my back. He stops and sniffs the air, making my whole body freeze.

"You're blood also doesn't smell the same anymore," He sighs. He lifts me up to his lips and licks the blood off of my back, making me quiver.

"St-op..." I mutter.

He purrs and ignores me, I feel his fang cut into my arm as he also licks the blood off that scratch too. My heart was racing, but I was too weak to do anything. I'm nothing. He sighs and lifts me up to his eyes. His soulless eyes stare me down.

"You're weak." He spats. He drops me onto the table and watches as I groan in pain.

"Get up!" He yells.

I wince and slowly try to stand, only to fall on the table once again. He growls and slams his hand right next to my body, making me instantly jump up and stand strait. He nods in approval and smirks, looking down at my weak but steady form.

"I have a game, and I'm not sure if you'll like it though." He chuckles. 

"I'm ready." I mumbled.

"Good." Dark chuckles.

And with that, he raises his fist and smirks. I jump and roll out of the way just as his fist slams where I was just at. I squeal and roll again. This game ends up lasting for what seems like forever, and I couldn't keep up. I lay still and take defeat as his fist slams right onto my foot. I scream and jerk my body up. I look at my leg and notice that it was broken. He broke my leg. I scream and cradle myself. The pain seemed to worsen by the second as he grabs me by the back of my shirt and lifts me up. I was in too much pain to fight back. I was bawling when he looked me up and down, pure disappointment written all over his face.

"I guess I win," He sighs. " and now there's nothing left I can do for you. Your just useless. Your a disappointment."

(Beginning of mouthplay)

He lifts me up and drops me into his mouth. I scream and cry, feeling nothing but pain and fear. No no no, I didn't want to die like this, I'd rather be cut into pieces, fall to my death, or even get stomped on, but not this! He swishes me around his mouth, enjoying the flavor I have to offer him. I grab onto his teeth and pull myself into a ball. Before I could calm down, his tongue lifts me away from grabbing anywhere and pushes me against his cheek. He sucks and hums in delight. I gave up and went limb. There was no point to fighting for something that I for sure couldn't win. Once Dark was satisfied, he quickly tilted his head up. I look down to the eager pit at the back of his throat, ready to engulf me with everything it's got. I slowly slide down, my feet were slowly sliding in. I slide some more. Half of my body was already dangling down his throat. He opens his mouth for the last second before I completely disappeared. GULP!!!

(End of mouthplay)

I jump up from my bed and start to breath heavily. Looking down, I feel my leg and make sure it was in tact. Good, it was in one piece. I wipe my forehead and notice that my whole body and bead was stained by gallons of my sweat. Looking around, I see Dark sitting at the side of his bed, staring at me with worry.

"(Y/n), what happened?!" He asked, coming closer to grab me.

"Stay away from me!" I yell, tripping off of my small bed and onto the floor of his nightstand.

He quickly pulls his hand away and places his hand onto his chest. He gives me a more worried look, but slowly nodded, understanding.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked.

I hug my legs to my chest while leaning my back against my bed. He slowly twiddled his thumbs against each other and looks back at me. I can tell why he was so worried, but I couldn't bare to look over at him. That dream really shook me up, and I didn't like it one bit.



"Will you ever hurt me?" I ask, still looking away from him.

"Why are you asking me this-"

"Just answer my question." This time, I looked him straight in the eye.

He sighs and looks to the floor. I watch him and notice him run a hand through his hair. I can tell he was trying to find a way to comfort me, but he knew good and well that'll only make things worse.

"No, I will never hurt you. You mean too much to me. And if I have to prove it to you, I will. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. I promise I'll literally go the the ends of the Earth and show you that you matter. You're just not like any other living thing out there. The moment you laid eyes on me, you didn't flinch, you're the bravest thing out there, (Y/n), and I don't want you to forget that." His words seem to filter all of the negative things out of my mind.

I didn't even care about the dream anymore. Why am I being suck a dick, just because of a bad dream I had?! I allow the tear run down my face as I slowly stand up and hold my arms out, signalling that I wanted him. He gladly wraps both his hands around me and cups me to where I can see him and only him.

"I'm sorry, Dark." I burst out in tears and hug his cheek. He smiles and hugs me back in the best way he could.

"Just promise me you'll never think that I'd ever hurt you, because that is the last thing I'd ever do to you." He lifts me back to the front of his face as I wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

"I promise!"

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