Comfort Zone (Giant Mark x Tiny Ethan & Reader)

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heatherlynn_18 requested this loveliness, so here yall are!!!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Ethan and I quickly dash across the kitchen floor, running into our small hole and giggle. We were so close to getting caught, and it was starting to become a game. We've been living here for a long time now, and we were used to having to run constantly. We honestly also have nothing to worry about, I mean, all we had was each other!

We were known as Tinies. You know; those small rodents that you would see walk around your house. They appear to look Human, but the only difference was that we were merely two inches tall, and they had small mouse ears and a tail.

Anywho, back to the story! Ethan picks me up by the waist and spins me around in circles, making me giggle hysterically.

"Ethan, stop! Were going to be heard!" I giggle.

"Aw, but how come I can't have a little fun?! Besides, we deserve it!" He smiles while placing me down to kiss me.

I blush as we pull out of the kiss and laugh. We heard some footsteps get closer to the kitchen, making us run and giggle deeper into the walls.

We soon made it to our room and fall onto our bed, laughing in the process. I roll over to my side and look into his sweet eyes. Man I love him. We met about three years ago, but started dating two years ago. We always moved from house to house constantly, and we never really had any worries in our lives. Many Tinies never really had what we had. It was hard to find your soulmate at such a young age, or at all, in general.

Ethan reaches for my hand as we intertwine our fingers together. In honestly have no idea what I would do if he never entered my life. Just as he started to lean in, we heard a loud bang from outside the walls, followed by shouts.

"What was that..." Ethan mumbles, slowly getting up.

I grab him by his wrist and look into his eyes. I just hope he wasn't doing what I think he was doing. "Where are you going?"

"I'm investigating." He says, pulling his wrist out of my grasp.

"Why? Did you just hear what was happening out there?" I ask, following him.

"C'mon, (Y/n), I know you want too!" Ethan begs.

I wanted to go, but I was scared. I didn't want either of us getting hurt. But then again, I was also curious. I sigh and simply nod, making him grin and pull me to the hole.

We make our way to the hole and watch as a man and women fight. The girl had blond wavy hair with a alien plastered on her shirt. The man seemed to be Hawaiian, and he was wearing glasses and walking back and fourth through the room.

"I can't just let them walk all over you, Amy!"

"They're not walking all over me, you know this! I am fully capable to take care of myself, I don't need you to fight every battle of mine!" Amy yells back.

"Amy, I-"

"Mark, I can't, just give me some time." Amy hugs herself and walks out the front door, leaving Mark alone.

Mark lets out an aggravated shout as he pushes some pens and papers off of the table next to him. The pens fall near the hole in the wall, making Ethan and I quickly hide behind the walls. But it was too late.

"Hello?" The Giant says, walking closer to the hole.

"Run!" Ethan gasps while starting off in a dash.

Just as I was about to run along side with him, I felt something grab at my ankle and pull me out of the hole. I yell for Ethan, making him turn around and stare in horror.

"(Y/N)!!!" He shouts, running my way.

I was then lifted up in the palm of the Giant. My heart began to sink the higher I got. Vertigo seem to hit me like a brick wall as I was eye level to Mark's face.

"Hey, its okay, calm down." The Giant whispers.

"LET GO OF HER!!!" I hear Ethan yell at the top of his lungs, choking on his words.

I look down at Ethan and notice that he was bawling. He was terrified, but he wasn't going to give up on me! I squeeze into a ball and start to cry gently, feeling hopless. Mark started to fill with grief when he gently placed me down, allowing Ethan to run up and pluck me out of his hand.

Ethan backs up with me in his arms, staring at Mark in shock. Did he really just give me up like that?

"S-sorry, I was just shocked to see Tinies in my home..." Mark chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

Ethan slowly nodded and carefully made his way closer to the hole with me still in his arms.

"Wait, don't go!" Mark whines.

I grab Ethan by the collar and tug at it, getting him to look down at me.

"Let me down." I whisper.

"What?! No, look im sorry, if we didn't check them out, we wouldn't be in this mess-"

"Ethan! Let me down!" I whisper again.

Ethan frowns, but lets me stand on my own. I start to slowly walk towards Mark. I look back at Ethan, seeing his clearly annoyed look, but allows me to do what I need to do.

I look up at the giant and slowly lift my hand out. Mark rises his eyebrows in shock, but places his finger in my hand and shakes it anyways. He probably didn't expect me to be the one to come close to him, but honestly, I dodnt really have the but feeling that je was somebody I should be scared of.

"Hi, im (Y/n), and thats my boyfriend, Ethan." I blush, looking back at my smol boi.

"H-hi, im Mark." He smiles.

See, who needs to be afraid? I mean great things dont come from comfort zones...

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