Inseparable (Giant Jacksepticeye x Tiny Anti)

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Rhianna224 requested and anti x jack, and thought this would do the trick!!!

Warning:includes fluff, if you cant handle adorableness, then please leave. (Lol, just continue!)


Anti sat there and pouted as Jack coolingly got supplies out for baking. Anti hated it when Jack treated him like a toy, and he certainly didn’t like what Jack did this morning!

“So, do ye want banana bread or blueberry muffins? Jack teased.

“Neither!” Anti puffs, looking away.

“Aww, c’mon dude, can’t ye just get over it, I told ye I’m sorry.” Jack sighs, placing his arms on the table, where he was slightly leaning over Anti.

“I told you, no!” He growls, turning himself completely away from Jack.

Jack sighs and raises his eyebrow, thinking of ways to make his small counterpart feel better. An idea popped into his head as he smirks and rests his chin onto the table. Anti feels Jacks sigh blow through his hair and clothes. He was so close to him, he could just lean back and use his face as a back rest. He continues to pout and cross his arms, staying in the same position he was in before.

“Would ye do it for- a chocolate chip cookie?” Jack smirks.

A chocolate chip cookie? That didn’t sound so bad… Anti sighs and leans his head back far enough to where he was staring Jack in the eyes. Jack giggles and looks at Anti, watching as the small mans green eye twitches in exietment.

“Maybe…” Anti mutters, making the giant grin.

“Chocolate chip cookies coming right up!” Jack giggles.

He picks up Anti and places him onto his shoulder. Anti squeals and holds onto Jacks hoodie for dear life, fearing of what was down below…

“Jack, careful, you know you and I share the same fears!” Anti gulps, looking down at the major drop.

“Don’t worry, Anti! I’m not gonna drop ye!” Jack smiles, patting the Demon on the head reassuringly.

Anti glitches and gulps as Jack begins his baking. There was a few pots and pans collinding, along with silverware and other dishes before Jack ended up mixing the batter together in the bowl. Anti couldn't help but feel his belly growl, making Jack chuckle. Jack couldn’t help himself but to think of Anti as cute. He was small and adorable, yes, but he looks even more adorable when he tries to act tough, and don’t get him started on how cute Anti looks when he gets angry.

Jack honestly loved his counterpart. Even though he was supposed to be everything Jack wasn’t, he still enjoyed having him around. Anti secretly had a soft spot, and Jack seemed to admire that of him, considering that he was a demon. Jack admits it, he treats Anti like a kid once and awhile, but he also was small, and it was just instinct to make sure he’s protected and safe all the time!

Anti started to get annoyed as Jack continuously looked over his shoulder. The small demon didn’t like that Jack was always treating him as if he were a child. They’re the same damn age for crying out loud! Anti blushes and looks at the cookie batter, trying to get his mind off of Jack’s stupid mothering for a while.

“What’s going on in ye head?” Jack asks, knowing that Anti always had something to say.

“Why do you treat me like a child, you know good and well that I can take care of myself!” Anti puffs his chests out as if it made him look tougher… which it didn’t.

“I don’t treat ye like a child, I’m just protective. You may think otherwise, but your small, and that makes you vulnerable to the world. Just because your a demon, doesn’t mean that you don’t have your weaknesses.” Jack sighs.

It was hard, but Anti needed to understand that he was different from the other demons. He was smaller, and weaker. That’s why he was sent to Jack. He needed a caretaker, and who wouldn’t be a better caretaker than Anti’s good side, Jack!

Jack placed the raw cookie dough balls into the oven to cook. Anti squeaks as Jack gently grabs the back of Anti’s shirt and picks him up.

“Warn me next time you’re gonna do that!” Anti glitches, throwing his arms and legs around the place.

Jack chuckles and nods his head, placing the demon into this hand and gently strokes Anti. Jack sits next to the oven and watches as the cookies slowly rise. Anti didn’t seem to care about his surroundings right this second, all he was worried about was the massage he was getting right now, and how relaxing it was.

Jack looks down at Anti and awes at how Anti snuggled into a small ball and mumbled things to himself. Before Anti was sent here, Jack has always lived alone. Of course, there was this girl that he was talking to, and she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!

Her name is Signe, and he hasn’t really had the guts to ask her out. Once Anti entered his life, he was able to collect enough courage to win the girl over on a date this weekend! It was weird, but it was as if having Anti be around helped Jack socialize than normal.

It was weird, but it seemed that both Jack and Anti provided something for one another, and it helped them both just as equally as the other. Even though the two men bicker all the time, it was just their way of showing their friendship to each other. They’re like family, and it would never change. Both Jack and Anti knew it.

The oven suddenly made a beeping sound, making both the men jump up in excitement. Anti was most certainly excited, this was his favorite treat of all time! Jack takes the oven mitt and reaches in to grab the pan. He places it down to let it cool for a few minutes, but anti couldn’t wait!

“Cookies!!!” Anti cheers, making Jack tsk.

“No, not yet, they have to cool off first!” Jack smiles.

“But Jack!!! Please!!! I like them soft and warm!” Anti whines.

How could Jack say no to that?! He sighs and grabs a cookie, takes off a small chunk and hands it to the small demon. Anti gladly accepts the crumb and nibbles on it. He was completely satisfied with the results, it was the perfect cookie!

“Thanks Jack…” Anti blushes, swallowing down the last bit of his crumb.

Jack chuckles in response and sets him on the table. This was Anti’s way of saying “Sorry,” and Jack gladly accepted his apology.

No matter what, they will forever be inseparable!

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