Shinwatekina Forest Pt 1 (Giant Markiplier x Tiny Neko Reader)

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TheMistroCat requested a Giant Markiplier x Tiny Neko Reader, so here you go!!!


I jump through the trees and try my best to dodge the arrows and spears that flew my way. Even through I can easily loose the many soldiers, I like to let them think they can actually catch me. I chuckle and quickly climb up one of the tree and watch as they continue to run ahead.

Let me explain why I was in this mess in the first place. I'm a Neko. And apparently the human society seems to try to kill everything that they don't understand. I flick my tail and ears and listen to make sure that there was nobody else around. Once the coast was clear, I jump down from the tree and fall down 20 feet. Its a cool thing that comes with being a Neko! It's hard on the knees though...

I land and start off on a jog through the forest. This is my home. It's where us unnatural creatures of the world can live happily. It's called The Shinwatekina Forest, and its basically a forest where all creatures big and small can come and live in peace and serenity. Well, most of the time. I sneak behind one of the bushes and watch as the dozen humans all stand in the field dumbfounded.

"Where in the hell did they go?!" One of the soldiers complain.

"How should I know?! Your the one that was up ahead!" The other one yells.

All of the men continue to bicker when I thought it was a good idea to go ahead and toss a rock across from where I was. They all stop and stare at the area where the rock landed.

"You six, go check what that was, we'll stay here and scan the grounds!" The second one shouts to everyone.

"Yes Sir!" They shout as they run off into the part of the woods.

"And you!" The supposed 'Captain' yelled at the first guy.

"Y-yes sir?!" He stutters, shaking in fear.

"You disappoint me." He growls.

"What, but Captain Roan, I swear I saw them!!! I-I promise I'll do better!!!"

"There won't be a next time, I gave you way too many chances throughout the years, your just lucky I'm letting you die quickly and not slowly..." He laughs maniacally.

And with that, he pulls out his sword and stabs it into the poor man. The man slowly twitches and looks down, noticing that there was no way out of this.

"W-why would you do this..." He gasps, coughing out some blood.

"Well, there's no way your family would approve of you if you were to go home to them, so I'm just making it easier for you to die out in the field, like a man..." He twists the knife and then jerks it out, allowing the now dead man fall onto the ground.

The smell hits me like a brick wall and I raise my lips into a snarl. That's just not right, that man doesn't deserve to sleep at night.... He doesn't deserve to have his title........

"Hey!" I yell, slowly stepping out of the bushes. Captain Roan turns around and slowly tilts his head. His smile seems to increase in a matter of seconds, and I swear I got the coldest shivers just by looking at him. His men all stand on guard, swords ready and look at their captain. He holds his hands up, telling them to stay where they were.

"Ah, if it isn't the little kitty, he was right after all." Roan chuckles.

"That was completely uncalled for, who do you think you are, killing your men just for the fun of it!!!" I yell, taking a step closer.

"It's the same way you live, kitty, it's either kill, or be killed!" He shouts.

He charges for me and swings his giant sword at me. I quickly dodge by doing a back hand spring. While my feet were in the air, I grab the sword between the two soles of my feet and twist it out of his hand. He yelps and backs up as his sword goes flying behind me. I land on my feat and smirk, seeing that he was now weaponless.

"Men, attack!!!" He stutters and quickly backs up. Coward.

At his command, four of his men suddenly come running. They swing their swords and spears at me as I continue to dodge them. I end up knocking out two of them and end up facing the last two. One of them quickly jabs their spear at me as I duck and smirk. But once I ducked, the other mans sword goes right through my shirt. I try to rip the chuck of my shirt off and look up to see that they now placed a net over me.

"Good job men, I salute you for catching the beast. We must keep them alive though, they'll make a lot of money!!!" He laughs.

His sudden laughter was interrupted as a loud roar echos through the forest, followed by many men's screams of agony and pain. Birds fly out of the trees from the direction Roan sent his other six men. I relax and laugh aloud. The men all stare at me in utter horror and back at the area.

"What was that?!?!" One of the men ask.

"Just a friend of mine, he doesn't like it when humans like you come in our forest, and hes especially not gonna like it if he sees me in this netting like some sort of animal." I smirk.

"W-well, no need to fear boys, we can take on anything!" He laughs akwardly.


"What was that?!" He snarls.


"Stop that!" He yells.

"Mmm, nope!" I giggle.

"I swear if you continue to say nope, I will-"

"You will what?" A voice booms out from over us.

I smile and watch as all three of the men slowly turn around to see a giant stare down at them.

"Hey Mark!" I yell, seeing him look at me.

"Why do you have my friend bounded in nets?" He growls under his throat.

They all just sit there in shock, unable to process Mark's question. He stands there, waiting for their reply and rolls his eyes. He takes in a deep breath and lets out his famous roar. The trees around us started to shake as the men all run in fear, leaving me in the nets. Once Mark finishes his loud roar, he looks down and gently relaxes, now knowing that I was okay.

"Thanks Mark." I chuckle.

"You got to me more careful when humans come into the forest, I'm not going to be able to watch you all the time." He sighs while pulling both the sword and net off of me.

I stand up and adjust my shirt and giggle. He rolls his eyes and gently picks me up. I snuggle into his chest as he lets out a soft chuckle. I gently listen as his chest slowly beats. He walks us home to our cave and sets me down. He prepares us dinner and gives me a small slice of cooked meat.

"Thanks!" I giggle as I take a bite out of the delicious steak.

He chuckles and watches as I finish every bite. He then grabs me and walks over to our nest. He lays down and places me on his chest.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)" He sighs.

"Goodnight, Mark..." I mumble as I feel his hand lay protectively over me.

I'm lucky to have a friend like him.....

Authors Note:

Ok, I'm probably going to make a second part of this one, because I feel like Mark wasn't in this one enough, aaand I feel really bad, aaaaand I had fun writing this, so second part coming out soon, just not tomorrow, cuz I have so many requests, and I haven't been able to read them all yet, so please be patient with me, I'm really sorry!!!! I hope to see ya'll dudes, in the next chappy, BUH BYEEE SWEETIES!!!

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