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If you're worried about money I feel you. Currently I quit my job of two years about a week ago. Plans didn't really turn out the way I meant them to. I'm trying to hold off the dregs of panic and my natural tendency to overthink. I am reminded of the where in the Bible it says that contentment is something Paul the apostle had to work for! Paul who wrote a good chunk of the New Testament, who has beaten, shipwrecked and went through countless hardships. It's comforting to know that even he had issues being content with what he had. I heard a story about an Indian beggar. He had been hit by a car and was unable to move or get medical attention. But everyday this little sweet old lady would drop by once or twice to give him a cup of water and some rice. This little bit was able to keep him going until he healed up and went on his merry little way. Can you imagine? Wow! We really don't need a whole lot to survive. Our wants are many but our needs are few. "Let your conversation be without jealousy; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, 'I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.'" (Hebrews 13:5 KJV). I'm as guilty of this as anyone. I splurge on clothes and stuff I don't really need. And I compare, oh how I compare! I think about my buddy who works at Lockheed Martin making the big bucks, or the classmate who's living large at Goldman Sachs. Then I compare them to myself. Unemployed and scrambling to make ends meet.

In the end though it only matters what our relationship to Jesus was, and how many people we bring with us to the afterlife. And it's not like money is the answer to all our problems. Super professionals who work crazy hours are indeed successful at work, but other things begin to suffer. They are on their third or fourth marriages, they don't even know their own kids, their health has tanked, they're fat, they have high blood pressure, they're at super risk of heart attack. And it can be wiped out in an instant. Market collapse? It can wipe out all their stock investments! Company goes down, they get sued, messy divorce, it gets stolen etc., it can be gone in an instant. It's temporary and ephemeral, like all things on earth. Technology is finicky. A glitch can wipe everything. Or if the A.I. gets to advanced like Skynet in Terminator or the machines in The Matrix then it doesn't really matter how much money you have. I created a website and I was getting super angry because the wifi was making the connection go so slow! I wanted to punch my computer. Eventually I just closed out of the window because it was taking too long and was frustrating me. Someone handling your money might hypothetically have a slow connection and hit the wrong key in error and cause all your savings to poof away. Money is not worth ruining your health over. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19 KJV).

Key Takeaways:

-Don't ruin your life over money.

-God will provide for us.

-God is our true treasure.

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