Chapter 16: A Struggle to Survive

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Once Melanie and the others got to the hospital, she began to pace back and forth.  Becoming rather nervous with each second passing that they didn't hear from the doctor about Victoria.  "She can't be in labor!  She still has three months to go!  It's..  That's still way too early!"  She began to panic.  Worried that Victoria was going to end up going through the same thing that she had.  She didn't want Victoria to lose a child just like her.  Not when Victoria had been wanting to have one of her own for so long.

Anthony took a deep breath glancing at Melanie.  He had been sitting quietly next to Levi to hear from the doctor as well.  Levi glanced over at Anthony as if to give him a hint that he should go over to help Melanie out and comfort her.  Anthony still seemed rather hesitant to do so.  He couldn't allow himself to get attached to her.  But he knew that this wasn't the time to think of himself.  Anthony knew Levi couldn't quite be there to help her as he was worried for Victoria himself.  So he was going to have to be the one instead.  Anthony took a deep breath before slowly standing up and making his way over to Melanie.  Who was still pacing back and forth, rambling to herself.  Levi had noticed a few passersby watching her closely as if she was insane.  Anthony stepped in front of Melanie as she seemed to be unaware of her surroundings.  He gently placed his hands on her shoulders to catch her attention.  Which caused her to gasp and jump back until she realized who it was.  Melanie had been so out of focus she had almost forgotten where she was.

Melanie let out a small sigh.  "Hey, it'll be okay."  He said quietly.  Melanie shook her head.  "You don't know that for sure."  Anthony studied her a moment before speaking again.  "Why don't you and I go for a little walk?"  He was hoping that he could distract her for a bit.  Melanie glanced at Anthony looking hesitant.  "But if the doctor comes, I won't be able to know how Vic is doing."  Levi had been watching the two of them interact remaining quiet.  "I will let you know when you return."  Levi gave her a small smile.  Melanie gave a nod of her head for her answer, still seeming hesitant about leaving Victoria before looking back at Anthony.  "Alright, we can go."  Anthony smiled a little.  "We won't wander too far."  He stated seeming to know her thoughts.  He looked hesitant before extending his hand for Melanie to take.  He wasn't sure if she'd accept it or not, so he was surprised when he felt her hand wrap around his.

As Melanie felt Anthony's hand wrap around hers in return, she took a deep breath.  Feeling a bit more calmed.  The two of them made their way down the one hall.  "What if something is already wrong?"  Melanie glanced over at Anthony as they continued walking.  Unaware that they still had their hands entwined with one another.  Anthony shook his head.  "Mel, she will turn out fine. I know Victoria, and so do you, she is strong."  Melanie nodded at his answer.  "It's just, it seems like it's taking so long already.  We should've heard something from them by now."  Anthony gave her hand a small squeeze before turning to face her stopping their tracks for the time being.  Slowly wrapping his free arm around Melanie and pulling her close for a hug.  "Mel, it's only been fifteen minutes.  The surgery will take a bit depending.."  He stopped mid sentence not quite sure if he should finish.  Melanie smiled a little as she felt him pull her close to him.  Wrapping her arms around him in return to give him a hug back.  She let her head rest on his chest momentarily, trying to keep herself calm.  As she heard him stalling his sentence however, Melanie glanced up at him raising her eye.  "Depending on what?"  Anthony hesitated some more before speaking.  "Depending on that everything goes okay.  Once the incision is made, it doesn't take all that long for the baby to be born."  Melanie kept her eye on Anthony suddenly being rather curious.  "Well look at you."  She smirked.

Anthony glanced at Melanie slightly confused, smirking back.  "What about me?"  He asked trying to look innocent.  Melanie let out a small laugh.  "Perhaps you should've gone to medical school to become a doctor after all."  She teased.  She needed something to distract her, so this was the best way to do so, making jokes.  Anthony laughed shaking his head.  "Hey just because I am not a fan of the occupation doesn't mean I still can't have knowledge on things."  He winked.  "Besides, since you told me that you were having a baby, I sort of have been reading up on some things, so I can be prepared if I need to."  He admitted.

Melanie laughed suddenly amused.  "Really?  I think you might be a first"  She said.  Anthony glanced at her giving a small grin.  He was glad to see that this had worked.  He managed to get her to take her mind off things for a little while.  After they had rounded the corner down the next hall, Melanie glanced at the clock on her phone.  "The doctor will probably be back soon for some details.  Think we should make our way back to the waiting room?"  Anthony nodded.  "Yes we probably should."  The two of them made their way back to meet Levi, and just as was suspected, the doctor had just approached Levi to give him the information at hand.

Anthony and Melanie stood near Levi when they heard him ask the question of when they could visit Victoria.  Melanie let out a small sigh.  That must mean that the surgery went well.  But she was still concerned about her godchild.  "What about the baby?"  She asked quickly before the doctor could answer Levi's question.  He gave Melanie a small smile. "She is resting now.  But you can visit her for a few minutes when she wakes."  He stated regarding Levi's question.  The doctor glanced at all three of them before responding. 

"Your son has what is called aortic stenosis."  Levi blanked a few times as the doctor gave the information of what everything meant, and what they planned on doing.  He didn't exactly know all of what the doctor was telling him, even with his explanations, Levi was confused.  He wasn't a doctor here.  Victoria would've known, but she was in the room recovering and resting.  Levi had no idea yet of what was going on.  He wouldn't be able to explain to her all of this.  "I need to see Victoria."  The doctor seemed hesitant at first, since she hadn't been back to her room for long and needed her rest.  He let out a small sigh and nodded.  "Alright, but not for very long."  Levi hadn't realized that Anthony had been stranding nearby him still, his hand resting on Levi's shoulder.  As Levi shrugged his hand off him, Anthony sighed as he watched his friend disappear down the hall to Victoria's room.

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