Chapter 6: Goin' Down for Real

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Anthony closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  He had thought that the situation would work out.  But apparently Melanie didn't even want to try and make it work.  Unfortunately he could see that Melanie wasn't even open to giving him a chance.  He could feel a bit of anger stir up in him.  He couldn't deal with all of this.  The whole on and off again leading him on thing.  He slowly stepped close to Melanie.  Letting his anger get the best of him again forgetting that she was also dealing with things.  "You already have been warned of what I will do.."  He stated again in a cold voice, in case that she was still considering to take off.

Victoria decided to finally take her turn and step in.  She knew how sometimes Anthony could be, and also how Melanie could be as of late, and in spite of the few things it seemed that she and Melanie would have to work on, she still wanted to defend her friend before the situation got too out of control.  She stepped between the two of them, worried that either Melanie or Anthony himself would do something to the one or the other.  "Anthony.."  She stated in a cold tone.  He glanced at Victoria.  "Melanie doesn't want to keep the baby.  She wants to give it up for adoption.  Which is why she hasn't wanted to tell you.  She knew that just like me, you and Levi would try to stop her."  He explained before Victoria could say anything else.  "She was originally planning on running away without telling any of us.  So she could have the baby and pass it up for adoption as soon as it was born."

Victoria turned to face Melanie.  "Is that true?"  Melanie stayed quiet a moment.  "Yes.."  Victoria shook her head not sure she wanted to believe what she was hearing.  That her friend would really want to give the baby away.  Her baby.  Victoria suddenly grew a little angry with her again.  She had always wanted a child, but so far, it didn't seem to play in the cards for her.  Victoria wasn't mad at the fact that Melanie never wanted to tell her, and wanted to run away.  She was mad simply at the fact of her wanting to give away her kid, because she was worried about losing people, and raising the child on her own.  "But you can't!"  "Why?  Why can't I?"  Melanie growled.  "Because you want to do like you've done every other time since we've met?  Try to control my life?"  Melanie hadn't meant to say them, but she was still angry.  Victoria once again looked stunned at her friend's words, staring at Melanie, not saying anything for a long time.  She tried to see reasoning, saying that Melanie was only lashing out because she couldn't control the situation with what was happening now and with what had happened with Paul.  She was upset that she lost those she loved, and Victoria still had Levi.  Now it was Levi and Anthony's turn to go quiet again.  Both glancing at each other debating whether to step back in again to stop things before they got worse.  But if they did, it was just going to go around and around in circles.  Taking turns defending for each other, to make sure the situation didn't get too out of hand.

"You know that's not true!"  Victoria snapped.  "You want to give up a child!  I am not exactly sure I know who you are anymore!"  Melanie glared at Victoria.  "The old Melanie would never do this."   "This is my choice Vic!"  She growled.  "Not yours!  The old Melanie died when Paul did."  She said the last words more quietly.  "I already made up my mind.  Nobody can stop me."  Anthony glared at Melanie.  "You know that isn't true.  Don't think I am bluffing Mel, because I am not.  If you choose to try to run before the baby is born, I will do what I can to track you down to find you.  I will bring you to trial, and I will fight to receive full custody of my child.  I will even write you down as a criminal, suspect, so you can't flee the state."  Melanie glared at Anthony turning pale.  Ready to speak when she noticed Levi extended his hand out to Anthony to stop him.  He then motioned Anthony to follow him to the living room so the two girls could talk.  Melanie then turned her attention back to Vic.

"This is your fault..  To come to think of it."  Melanie hissed, still feeling her anger flare after what Anthony said.  She had been calmed until he had said those words.  Victoria looked at her suddenly confused.  "How is you sleeping with Anthony and getting yourself pregnant my fault?"  Melanie's face flushed at Victoria's words.  "You and Levi kept nagging and nagging me to get out more.  I told you I wasn't ready!  But I did anyways just to get you off my back!"

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