Chapter 8: A Sense of Remorse

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Melanie woke up sometime later, jolting awake once she realized she had fallen asleep without meaning to.  As she became more alert and glanced around, she noticed that she was no longer at the park but in Anthony's room.  She slowly crawled out of bed and walked out of his room spotting Anthony sitting on the couch and watching tv.  She gave a small smile before walking over and sitting down next to him to join him.  "Hey."

Anthony glanced up smiling back at Melanie in return.  "Hey, how'd you sleep?"  Melanie turned pink slightly.  "I hadn't meant to fall asleep on you."  He gave a small shake of his head.  "It's okay."  "Did..  You carry me all the way from the park?"  She asked, a bit of surprise heard in her voice.  "Yeah."  He turned his head back towards the tv.  "You didn't have to do that.  You should've woken me up."  Anthony glanced back at her and smiled.  "It was okay.  I didn't mind."  Melanie bit her lip.  "But you should've woken me up.  I could've walked back with you.  The park was a bit a ways away.  You didn't have to carry me.  Or you should have called a cab."  She began to ramble.

Anthony chuckled a little as he slowly placed his hand on hers, giving it a small squeeze.  "I didn't want to wake you.  You looked peaceful and I knew you could use the rest."  Melanie took a deep breath.  She didn't like the fact that Anthony was doing all these nice things for her.  She didn't deserve them and she rarely returned the favor to him.

"Why?"  She asked glancing at him.  He looked at her confused a moment.  "Why what?"  "I mean.  Why would you do that for me?"  Melanie had already been slowly growing to care for Anthony, and she was becoming confused at her feelings.  Which was why she kept her distance, she needed to figure out what to do with them first before deciding anything.  Anthony stayed quiet a moment.  "Because, that is what you do when you care about..  When you love somebody."  He answered.  Melanie sighed.  "You don't need to be doing anything for me.  I don't want you to do anything for me."

Anthony remained quiet.  He hadn't meant to upset her.  "It only makes me feel more guilty.  Because I can't return the favor."  She mumbled.  Anthony sighed.  "Mel.  I really don't mind.  I want to.  You wouldn't have to feel like you owe me anything. It's what people do to be nice.  You're just going to have to get used to it."

Melanie gave him a small glare.  She didn't want to get used to it.  "Besides.  You're having a child.  My child.  You're going to need help sometimes.  Whether you want it or not.  It doesn't have to be from me.  But Victoria and Levi will always be there to help you."  She sighed a little burying her face in her hands.  Anthony glanced at her watching her closely.  "I'm sorry.  I, hadn't meant to upset you.  I know that you prefer to do things on your own.  But even if they don't want it, everyone at some point needs help from someone.  Like I said.  It doesn't have to be me." 

She pulled her hands away from her face and glanced at him.  "Stop it!  Alright?  Just..  Stop it!"  She took a deep breath to try and calm down.  She knew he would do anything to help her.  And that was why she was feeling guilty about it all.  She didn't want his help, she didn't want anything from him.  As soon as this baby was born she would pass it off to him, then she would be long gone from this place.  Melanie had no intentions of staying here, of staying with him.  She didn't want him to keep trying to do things for her, because then she'd change her mind about all of it.  Melanie knew that was why he was doing this stuff.  Because he was hoping she would change her mind of him.  But she didn't want to get attached to any of them.  When the baby was born, she wanted to be gone.

Anthony watched her closely.  He decided to not say anything and turned his attention back to the tv.  He didn't want to make things worse, and assumed that it might be better to say nothing at all, and let Melanie cool off.  After she had been silent for awhile she slowly stood up and glanced at him.  "I should get going."

Anthony glanced back at her.  "You don't have to leave.  You can stay."  Melanie took a deep breath, looking hesitant almost as if she didn't want to go.  But she knew it was a bad idea for her to stay.  Anthony watched Melanie closely.  He had become quite concerned for her.  He thought he could see a hint of hesitation in her.  But then she chose otherwise.  "No, I think it's best I go."  Melanie could feel her heart pounding as she noticed him watching her.  She had to put as much distance between the two of them as possible.  Nothing she tried was working, it seemed to only keep leading Anthony back to her and wanting him to help her even more, it seemed to make him care about her even more.  She made her way towards the door, surprised that Anthony didn't try to stop her as she reached for the doorknob to open it and took her exit.

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