Chapter 11: Hot and Cold

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"Do you have everything?" Anthony asked once Melanie was released from the hospital and he was planning on bringing her back to his apartment. Melanie made a small glance around. "I didn't really come with a lot.. So.." She glanced at him giving a small shrug. Anthony nodded his head motioning for her to follow him out. Anthony still hadn't gotten to talk to Melanie about the other day at the hospital what he said, so things were a bit awkward between the two of them. He glanced at her as they walked next to each other to the elevator. "Are you still doing okay?" She glanced back at him and she was surprised she could see worry on his face. Even though he just claimed that he didn't care about her. That he only cared about the baby. She took a deep breath. "I'm fine really, just tired." She stepped into the elevator once the door opened, remaining quiet as she watched him press the button to the main floor. Anthony nodded. "I could've found a nurse to get you a wheelchair to bring you down to the car." Melanie glanced over at him, feeling slightly annoyed. She still wasn't liking being hovered over, and now with what had happened, she was sure he was going to be hovering over her twenty four seven. She took a deep breath turning slightly so she was facing Anthony some more. "I'm not that tired." Melanie had to remind herself he was only trying to help and was worried about the baby so she had to calm herself before snapping at him. "Thank you, but you don't need to do that, besides, I can wait inside while you bring the car to the front?" She suggested. She was sure she'd be fine just walking the block to the parking lot and to the car. But Melanie knew that Anthony was worried about placing stress on her. She grinned a bit noticing a small smile form on his face. "I think that can be worked with." Melanie turned the smirk into a small smile as she leaned against the elevator wall as it dinged to let them know they were now on the main floor. Anthony was carrying both bags. "You can leave those bags sitting by me while you get the car so you don't have to walk that far of distance with them." She said as they stepped out of the elevator. Melanie glanced at Anthony, she could see that he was surprised at her sudden change of behavior and wasn't sure how to take it. She could also see he looked hesitant to do so. "I won't touch them or anything promise. I'll sit right over there while I wait for you." She pointed to one of the empty seats. "You can set them by my feet." Anthony nodded. "Alright." Once Melanie had sat down in the chair and he set the bags down beside her, Anthony exited out of the hospital to get the car.

Once she got back to the apartment with him, she walked over sitting down on the couch. Things between them had been rather quiet since he had told her how he had "actually" felt. He watched her momentarily before slowly going over to join her and sit down next to her. She looked at him a bit surprised. "I thought you had to go to work." Anthony gave a small shrug. "I called work to let them know I'd be taking a few days off." Melanie let out a small sigh. "Anthony, I am going to be fine. You don't need to stay here. After all, you don't want nothing to do with me. You made that perfectly clear. I am not going to do anything to risk the baby. I plan on taking doctor's orders and doing nothing but relaxing. You would probably be bored just sitting with me. And if something happens I will call you. I wanted to call you. I just couldn't get to the phone on time."

Anthony let out a small sigh hearing her words. He didn't exactly mean them. But he knew he couldn't continue with Melanie when he knew she didn't want him. He could hear in the tone the words he said had gotten to her. But he had no choice but to be brutal. He needed to start shutting her out as best he could if he was going to move on from her. Just as Melanie had shut him out, Anthony needed to start doing the same thing. He needed to try and stop caring about her. "I am staying here Mel and that is final." He said coolly. "I'm not going to let another close call happen. I'm not going to allow another chance for to lose my child." Melanie gave him a glare. "You, Victoria and Levi keep looking at me and treating me like I'm fragile or I'm something that will break. I'm not! In case you haven't noticed. I am grown up and I am capable of making my own decisions!" Anthony gave her a cold glare back. "Apparently from what I have seen you can't." Melanie stood up quickly. A little too quickly and she felt a wave of nausea hit her but she chose to ignore it. "What does that mean!" Anthony stood up so he was only a few inches away from her. "I think you know what I mean." Melanie blinked to keep the vision from blurring. "This is why I wanted to leave. So I wouldn't have you people hovering over me twenty four seven! I should've left while I had the chance. I never should've said anything in the first place." She whispered. I should've just up and left. She thought to herself. She took a deep breath closing her eyes as she felt the vision get a little more blurry.

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