Chapter 12: Closed Minded

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It had been three weeks since Melanie's incident. Victoria hadn't had much luck in getting her to go back to Anthony and talk things through. She had been very upset the last time Victoria tried to get them to talk to each other. Victoria knew she shouldn't keep trying to force it. She had told Levi that she would step back. But things were different now. Melanie was pregnant with Anthony's child, so she wanted things to work out for the child's sake. But unfortunately, it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. They both seemed set on being stubborn.

Since Victoria knew that talking to Melanie about it wasn't going to work, and would only keep upsetting her, Victoria gave a small grin to herself. She had another idea that might work, that hopefully wouldn't make Melanie think that she was trying to push anything on her. As she heard Melanie come down the steps, she turned to the coffee pot and grabbed it to pour some coffee into her cup.

"Good morning." She said turning enough so she could see Melanie approaching. Melanie gave a small smile. She had been tired the last month from her ordeal, but today she was much better. "Good morning." Melanie said. "Is there still some coffee left?" She asked. Victoria nodded. "There's plenty, I just got done making some." Victoria reached over to the cupboard to grab another cup for Melanie pouring her some coffee. Once she had finished pouring the coffee, she handed the cup over to Mel. "Thanks." Melanie said as she took the cup. "So, do you have any plans on your day off?" Mel asked as she set the cup down on the table to let the coffee cool off for a few minutes. Victoria had been busy working lately taking some shifts since people had been taking time off, and today she finally had her day off. Victoria glanced at Melanie doing her best to keep her grin to herself so Melanie wouldn't become suspicious. This is perfect timing to bring up my idea. She thought.

Melanie could sense that Victoria was thinking, or looked like she had been cooking up a plan. She was trying to hide it, but Victoria was horrible at such things, at keeping secrets. "Well, I was thinking of going shopping. I know it's a ways yet before my baby is born. I'm two months behind you. But I figured better be prepared than sorry, since there is a chance that babies can come early." Melanie raised her eye at Victoria's words, having an idea of where she was getting at. She smelled a rat, but for now she wouldn't say anything. She knew that Victoria was trying to get them something fun to do. And it wasn't like she was wanting Mel to shop for her baby, she was wanting to go for her own child. But Melanie also knew it was still for a way of hopes that she would change her mind.

Melanie let out a small sigh. "Do we have to do it today? I mean, I have been tired the past month with what happened." She said quietly. "Today is the first good day I am having. Besides, I'm not supposed to have a whole lot of stress." Victoria rolled her eyes. "Come on Mel, it's shopping." Melanie rolled her eyes back in return. "Yes exactly, it's shopping." Melanie bit her lip trying to think of any way to get out of going shopping. She knew she shouldn't. Melanie hated ruining people's fun and that was exactly what she was doing right now. She knew that Victoria was going to want her to come shopping with her either way, because they used to do a lot of things together. Now that they were having babies. Melanie was sure that Victoria was going to want her to take part in a lot of things with her, especially since the baby was going to be her godchild. Melanie of course would do anything for Victoria, given it being under any other circumstances. But this was different. There was a time that Melanie and Victoria dwelled on things such as this. Of them being pregnant together. It was shortly before Victoria and Levi's wedding. The two of them had gotten to talking about being married so close together and joked about it being funny if they'd be pregnant at the same time. Melanie had almost hoped for that to happen, but of course when they had thought that, she had assumed that Paul would still be with her. "Shouldn't we wait till my next doctor appointment to see if it's safe for me to do such.. Strenuous activity?"

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