Chapter 3: Flaws In The Plan

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It had been a couple of weeks since Melanie had learned she was pregnant.  Nearing in the second week of September.  She had managed to keep it a secret yet to Levi and Victoria that she was pregnant.  Victoria of course was suspicious since Melanie still had morning sickness at times, but thankfully, Melanie had been able to persuade Victoria that it was just the flu.  Or at least she thought.  She didn't think that Victoria bought it, but at least she was leaving it be for now.  Melanie had asked when she had spoken with Anthony, that he not say anything quite yet.  Because she wanted this time to herself to think on things.  If they told Victoria and Levi now, she already knew what was going to happen.  She was going to be pressured, they were going to try somehow to get her to change her mind and keep the baby.  Anthony was hesitant to do so, since they were their friends, and he thought they should know.  Melanie knew she wouldn't be able to hide it for very long.  And knew that at some point she would have to tell them.  But she wanted to hide it for as long as she possibly could.  Only when she knew she couldn't hide it anymore would she reveal.  Though she was sure that Victoria already knew, she knew Victoria was too smart for that.  It was hard to fool her, but if Victoria did figure it out, she wasn't saying anything.  Which Melanie was thankful for.

Melanie was in her room and pacing back and forth.  She was trying to think of how and when to tell them.  She was still nervous to say anything at all.  Especially when she didn't know that she wanted to keep the baby.  Or be a part of its life.  But at least now she knew she had an alternative.  Anthony said he'd be willing to take his child and raise them.  If Melanie couldn't do it.  At least she was hoping he was going to, and not change his mind.  So that was another reason why she was nervous to tell her friends.  She was worried they wouldn't be happy with the arrangements her and Anthony made.  Melanie was certain that Levi and Victoria were going to want her to keep the baby, and hope that she and Anthony would raise the child together.  Melanie had been so worried dwelling on her thoughts, that she didn't hear anyone coming back home until she heard Victoria's voice calling for her.

"Hello?  Anyone home?"  Victoria called out once she had gotten into the house.  Melanie made her way out of her room as she heard Victoria.  "Vic?  You're back already?"  Victoria glanced over giving a smile towards her friend's direction.  "What do you mean early?   It's three thirty."  She teased.  Melanie laughed a little as she glanced down at her watch.  It was indeed three thirty.  "I guess that I had gotten busy with a few things and lost track of time."  Melanie stated.  Victoria glanced at her friend smiling a little at her reaction.  She was glad to see that she seemed to be in a good mood for once and that she appeared to be feeling better.  "Good, at least you managed to keep yourself busy while Levi and I are at work.  I sometimes feel bad leaving you here all alone."  Melanie glanced back at her friend shaking her head.  There she went again, with her worry mode on.  "I've been on my own plenty of time before Victoria."  She reminded her.  "I have plenty to do to keep myself busy while the two of you are at work.  I was able to clean up around my room this morning, and then I had lunch, and then I was able to catch up on reading a couple of chapters in my book.  It had been a little while since I have gotten to read."  Victoria nodded.  "Well I am glad to see that you seem to be feeling better."  "I am feeling much better."  She assured her.  Which this time, Melanie was actually stating the truth.

Victoria nodded.  "Do you have any plans for later?"  Victoria finally had the evening off, and she was hoping to have a night in relaxing, maybe spend some time with Melanie since she knew Levi would be working late.  Since she had been busy working, and Melanie seemed to be spending a lot of time with Anthony lately, the two of them had rarely gotten to hang out as much as they used to.  Victoria missed it.  "Anthony wants me to go over to his place for a while later to hang out.  So I will be doing that when he gets home from work."  Victoria nodded.  She was tempted to ask Melanie how things were going between the two of them.  But she didn't want to ruin the good moment they were having.  Melanie still seemed to be quite on edge these days.  The littlest of things seemed to set her mood off.  Besides, Victoria already knew how things were going between them.  Victoria knew that Melanie was pregnant, because she saw the pregnancy results herself.  She knew, and now all she was waiting to do was for Melanie to tell her.  As she knew the secret couldn't be kept for long.  Victoria was curious if even Anthony knew yet, and she sure hoped he did.  Which was why Victoria didn't say anything to Melanie.  She didn't want her suspecting that she already found out.  She had to keep playing it cool.  Which was hard for Victoria to do.  But she didn't want Melanie mad at her for knowing before Melanie had even told her.  If she let on that she knew, then Melanie would learn that Victoria had gone in to snoop around in her room.  Victoria knew that Melanie would not like that at all.

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