Chapter 20

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A/N-this chapter is dedicated to nobitaislove99.

Amon's POV

"Your majesty. What have you done?!" Marax said, the moment I returned.

"Marax do you trust me?" I asked, looking down intensely at him.

"You know I do."

"Then help me prepare the ancient chambers and I will explain everything to you after. Please my friend."

He nodded. Sighing in relief, I took off for the ancient chambers, with Marax on my heels. My arms were filled with a blanket wrapped Raven. I just pray that the council members aren't near the chambers. As I held her, I felt the power Ronove was referring to radiating off her in waves.

Why couldn't I get to her in time? While I was feeling her pain and getting her injuries, I got a snapped spine. I couldn't recover from that in time. And when I did, it was only to be stopped by the council members about my whereabouts lately. They made me late in saving her.

Reaching the ancient chambers, Marax opened the heavy door, moving aside for me to enter with Raven. I placed her on the large bed that was in the room, removing the blanket from around her. She looked so peaceful now. But I need to speak to her father. Only he would be able to help her now. Help me, help her. Brushing the hair from her face, I bent, kissing her temple before exiting the room, Marax hot on my tail.

"Your majesty! Please wait!" He sounded desperate.

"No. We need to get to the dungeons. I will explain everything then." I said without stopping my brisk pace.

We reached the dungeons and opened the door I needed. The moment I entered, Ronove was before me. His face full of panic.

"Where is she?! Did you get to her in time?! Oh. Hello Marax."

The frantic tone he was speaking in eased into a more civilised one the second he noticed we weren't alone. Honestly despite everything, I had to laugh a little at that.

"Greetings King Ronove." Marax was also civilised.

"Amon, what is he doing here?" Ronove asked, moving back to the bed.

"He saw me brought her in. I had no choice." I replied, fully entering the room, shutting the door behind me and Marax.

"Your majesty, are you referring to the human girl you tend to visit frequently up in the human relm?"

Marax words cause both Ronove and I to pause before slowly turning our attention to him. He knew of Raven. How the hell does he know?

"And before you ask, I've known for years. I never said anything because you wanted to keep it a secret. So I did as well. Even from you." He continued. "I've been watching you for years. By your side for centuries. I know you better than everyone. Possibly even yourself."

Well that is true. He does know me better than anyone. How foolish of me to think I could hide something like that from the oldest friend and confidant I had. Shaking my head, I touched Marax's shoulder. I didn't need to say anything to his words.

"As touching as this is to watch, can you perhaps do it outside of my dungeon cell? I have a more pressing matters to discuss. Amon." Ronove said, quite annoyed. And rightly so.

"Yes. Well. I got to her in time. Just barely. But..." I started to explain but was interrupted again by Marax.

"Her? The human you brought with you? Majesty, why is she so important? And why is that human in the ancient chambers?"

"She isn't human Marax. That's why."

He blinked in shock at my words. He was clearly taken aback. "Not human?! Then what is she?!"

His panic level just rose. Why oh why does this demon act like a frustrated human woman who's pregnant?

"Marax calm down. Slow breaths. Good. Ronove would you care to explain this one?" I asked the former King.

All he did was roll his eyes but thankfully he did reply. "The human girl, you so generously call isn't human. But rather a mix blood."

"Alright. What is her blood mixed with? Horse?" Ah Marax. Your reply is as witty as usual. But little do you know they will anger the two men you are in the room with.

"No my dear Marax. Not horse. But rather demon. Her blood is mixed with human and demon."

His eyes widen to that of the full moon, if possible. This demon and his dramatics. But he didn't have a panic attack like before. For now.

"Who would father or mother a mix blood child? Don't they know that is a crime." He spoke logically if not full of disdain.

Ronove didn't look too happy at the tone Marax took. A condescending way, which, if Ronove wasn't who he was, would have left another demon questioning his own actions. Ronove walked up towards Marax and stood in front of the shorter demon, towering over him. His eyes were crimson. Marax's words angered him. And I do not blame him.

"Me. I am the demon who fathered the child that rests above in the ancient chambers. The human girl whom Amon has brought here to Raum isn't human, but part demon. With the blood of Valac running through her veins. She was brought here to contain her powers as they awaken. Now Marax, if you would kindly exit my dungeon, I would like to discuss the matter concerning my daughter with your king, before I make you into a bloody smear on my walls. I very much doubt Amon would appreciate me killing his friend."

Ronove turned his back to him, his fist clenched at his sides. It was taking all of his control to not hurt Marax. Marax looked at me as though he wanted permission to leave. I nodded and he promptly exited the dungeon cell, leaving me alone with a fuming Ronove.

"My apologies for his words and behavior Ronove."

"Amon, as King you aren't supposed to be apologising for your subject's behaviour. That is their choice not yours." He sighed heavily, stopping short of the bed. "But his words affected me, in the way that my daughter is of age now but yet because of me, no one knew of her existence. I wanted to keep her safe from the demon relm for as long as possible but she had you for most of her life. If others only knew of her, she would have more help in adjusting. Amon tell me everything that happened when you went to the human relm."

And so I did. I explained everything from the moment I emerged from the crater. The almost rape, me killing the chief of the village, then going to attack the village itself. To finally bringing her here after she passed out. Ronove listened intently, hanging on to my every word. His eyes constantly flashing from cobalt blue to crimson red.

"She will be out for approximately five days. It could be less or more time. Everything depends on her body to adjust to the power awakening within her. She is only half demon, so I'm not sure. Since I can't be with her to say the spells to ease her pain if she would get any, you as King would have to. Amon, I'm leaving my daughter's life in your hands. Do not disappoint me." Ronove explained, ending with a glare.

He would hurt me. I know he would but his fears are uncalled for. Even if he didn't tell me to, I would take care of Raven. Whether she was mated to me or not.

"Ronove, I won't let anything happen to her. She won't suffer once I can prevent it." With those words I left the dungeon cell.


A/N- a day late. Sorry. But hope you enjoy it. If you don't it's ok. I think something is missing from this chapter. If you think the chapter needs improving let me know in the comments please. Also which part I should improve to make it better for you.

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