Chapter 27

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Amon POV

"My liege, are you listening to us?!" The counsel members shouted at me. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't. But I couldn't very well tell them that.

"Yes I am." I lied. I had to. It's not like I could tell them that my mind was too preoccupied with the half demon heir that is currently in my room, to even pay attention to them.

"Then when are you going to finally pick a bride to give you an heir?"

Come again? Well that finally got my attention and my mind momentarily off Raven. That's what this conversation was really about. It didn't start that way. After we returned from the dungeons, the counsel member summoned me into the throne room. They started talking about the villagers and wanting to have a meeting with the novel Demons of Raum, concerning some matter. I wasn't paying much attention. How did the conversation shift from that to me finding a bride?

"As I said before when this conversation was brought up eight years ago. I do not need a bride to rule the Kingdom. Many Kings before me didn't rule with a Queen at their side." I said.

"That may be, but they were a Valac. The true heirs to the throne. Those Kings didn't need to procure an heir quickly due to their long life span and vast magical power. You however, ascended due to being the most powerful warrior in the Kingdom after King Ronove." Leyak said.

"To avoid being overthrown by the nobels, who still believe that you are an unfit King, you need to secure the throne and Kingdom by producing an heir." Endigo added.

"In order to do that your highness, you need to get a bride." Aatrox chimed in.

A bride. In my hundred of years as an adult demon, never have I thought of a bride. Now, at the thought of a bride, only Raven comes to mind. Spending the rest of my days with her is not an unpleasant thought. What is bothering me is not getting a bride, but instead the nobels that believe I can not rule, with or without one. It will not be admitted, but I do believe that some of the counsel member think the same. My anger flared at the thought.

"Me? An unfit King?!" I shouted standing. "I have taken care of the villagers, even the poorer ones that you the members of the counsel and the nobels refuse to acknowledge. I have ensuredthe safety of all of Raum since become King, from all attacks and disasters and protected everyone. Yet I am being called unfit!"

By now, my magic had blasted the counsel back and pinned them to the far wall of the throne room. I kept them there as I slowly approached. My magic pulsated around me, giving them a taste of just how powerful I can be. The fear was clearly visible on their faces and if they weren't pinned to the wall, I'm quite certain their knees would be shaking.

"Your majesty, we never said we didn't want you to rule." The words trembled out. "But please understand that until just recently you spent everyday away from the castle. The nobels took notice of that."

My anger easing just a little, I lowered them. So their disbelief in me comes from the fact that I spent my days with Raven. Even before her existence on my life, I spent time in the human relm due to my problem. A problem that was only calmed due to a little girl I befriended. There's no one to blame but myself. Wanting this conversation to be over, I made my way towards the door, only to be stopped by their voices again.

"You must present a bride candidate by the time of the Kings' Ball, or one will be chosen for you. That is final you majesty." Endigo stated.

"Do I not get a say in this?" I questioned, but kept my back to them.

"No." Leyak said matter of factly. "You have put this off long enough."


With those words I left. There's no choice now, is there? But that doesn't give me much time. The Kings' Ball is less than a month away. Like the name suggests, it's a ball in honour of the past Kings of Raum, to pay tribute in remembrance of them. Also to celebrate another year on the throne for the current King. At the previous balls, there would be food, drink, dancing and at midnight, the present King would join his magic with the past Kings', before letting it seep into the ground. This is to ensure that Raum has a prosperous and fertile year. Another thing about the ball is that it is a masked ball.

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