Chapter 11

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A/N- Ronove Valac. I picture him like this.

Amon's POV

What the fuck does he mean by I was just marked by the heir of the Valac bloodline?! How can Raven mark me with something magical?

"Ronove, explain this. Now!" I demanded.

He sighed and grabbed me, forcing me to sit on his bed. He sat on the ground in front of me like a parent going to explain something to their hard of understand child. Removing his own shirt, he placed it next to him. He pointed to his right shoulder. My eyes zeroed in on it. On his shoulder there was a raised scar. It looked like an intricate rose pattern on his skin, with thorny vines weaving in and out of the petals.

"This is the mark of the Valac mates." He began to explain. "For each heir, when they find their mate, a symbol is burnt into their skin as well as their mate's. For each couple, their symbol differs and appears on a different part of the body. It is just the mates who have the same markings on the same part of the body. The symbol only appears once their love for each other is recognized."

"Love for each other is recognized? Then that means..."

"Yes. My daughter loves you. She just doesn't know it herself. But that mark over your heart proves it."

This was a lot to take in. But, Raven loves me. Wait. Forget that for a moment. How can we even get a mates marking? I'm going to refer to it as that. I'm the present king. The Valac bloodline has no claim to the throne anymore. Don't they?

"You look baffled still Amon. What's wrong?" Ronove asked standing up, putting back on this shirt.

"I'm a little confused." I said, scratching my head, standing up. "How can Raven mark me? Didn't the Valac bloodline stop being in control of the throne when I was made king?"

I watched as a slow smile spread across his face. He knew something. What is he keeping from me. All he did was place a finger on his lip, but he didn't say anything after that. I was about to say something. Actually I was going to demand he tell me. But the strangest thing happened.

I suddenly saw Raven passed out on the ground of her hut. Blood was leaking from the corners of her mouth. Her face was contorted in a painful expression. My legs gave out and I fell to the floor. It felt as though my throat was closing up. Every breath I took burned like the fire of Raum. My chest felt heavy like there was a weight on it.

"Raven..." I choked out her name. She was in danger. Something happened to her. I need to get to her.

I tried pushing myself up but my arms felt like led. My body felt like stone. What the fuck?! Ronove knelt in front of me, a curious look on his face. I watched his eyes widen as though he figured out something. All the while, I was still suffering. But one thing did change. I saw that Raven had managed to wake up and crawl to her bed before passing out again.

"Amon. Relax son." He said calmly.

Was he insane? I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding erratically in my chest, my limbs felt like stone and I couldn't move. Ronove must have realized I wasn't listening to him because he touched my shoulder. I felt power surge through me. Was he giving me some of his powers? He was. With his powers now flowing within me, I was able to move my limbs.

He flipped me onto my back and moved his hand from my shoulder to my chest. "Take slow steady breaths."

I did as he said. I breathed in and out slowly. The fires in my throat were subsiding. The weight on my chest lifted.

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