Chapter 38

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A/N-  HAHA. Love me! I give you a double update. Please enjoy read. And look forward to the next chapter update next week.


Lately it seems as though everyone close to me was walking around on broken glass. Marax skirted around me like a headless chicken. Amon kept hovering around me every chance he got. My dad seemed to be the only one trying to treat me normal. He was still cautious around me, but he still taught me spells and offensive magic. I mean it’s been more than a month since the ball and that stupid thing happened.

What had made me a freak in Asra, saved me more times than I could count from cruelty. The night of the ball was no different. While I slept that night, all my injuries had healed. I thanked the heavens when I had woken up the next day. When Amon had seen me, he hugged me tightly and tried to kiss me, only for me to do something unforgivable. I screamed and backed away from him.

I knew it was Amon, but when he tried to kiss me, all I saw was Leraje. The sneer he had on his face as his fingers dug into me. As his tongue and fingers tried to suffocate. Whenever Amon tried to touch me, I would flinch away. I kept seeing the face of my attacker, not the face of the man I loved. I know I hurt Ami every time I move away and scream at the thought of his touch. I hate myself for that when I see his crest fallen face.

To make things worse, Ami said since I was introduced as his bride to be, I would have my meals with him in the dinning hall of the castle. That wasn’t the issue.

What became the problem was when our meals were joined by Leraje. I was so frozen with fear that I couldn’t eat and barely move with him there. I felt the anger radiating off Ami the times we were joined by him.

At night, I would be left alone on the bed. Ami had brought in a couch, long enough for him to sleep on. He didn’t want to leave me alone, yet he wanted to give me my space. So much time has passed, yet I can’t seem to forget it happened no matter how much I wanted to.

“Raven! Focus my child!” my father's voice brought me back to the present.

I barely had time to put up a shield before I was blasted back with an energy blast. I was knocked back and landed on my rear. Lately dad has been teaching me to use the energy from the magic to attack and defend. Walking over to where I was, dad helped me up, inspecting me briefly to ensure I wasn’t injured. Thankfully I wasn't. I know he was holding back when he attacks me.

“Shall we take a break Raven?” he asked.

I nodded and we sat down by the table.

Against the council's orders, Amon had given my dad table and chairs for when ever I had meals with him. From what Marax had told me, the council had protested adamantly, but Ami never relented. His reasoning was for me. But no one knew that. They all assumed that he was retaliating against the Kingdom by giving a prisoner comfort.

“Dad, do you regret having to give up your throne?”

My question seemed to catch him off guard. “Not really. What I do regret is having to leave you. My original plan was to have you live with your mother until you were five, then bring you to Raum with me. I wanted to start training you early. When I met your mother, I wanted to change the rule where the relations with humans weren’t permitted. The only demons who can venture out the demon realm are the Kings and sorcerers anyway. It wouldn’t have been an issue.

“You are the first female Valac to be born. Before you, we’ve only had males to be born into the throne. Since you are not only the first female but also the first hybrid in existence, your mother and I weren’t sure what to do with her pregnancy. Being the first of your kind, you had us stumped. But I will never forget the moment I helped your mother bring you into the world.

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