Chapter 34

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After we returned from the human relm, Amon told me to get ready. I was left in his room while he went with Marax  to change in another room. Most likely I think he went to change in Marax’s bedroom. I guess he didn’t want to see me in my dress until he came to get me. I hope he isn’t disappointed when he sees me.

When we went to the human world and the hair dresser cut my hair,  she said it was done in layer with curtain bangs. She also said my hair was so black that it would look wonderful with red streaks, so that’s what she put. My new hair length and cut was hidden but not the additional colour to it. Amon didn't comment on it. Did he not notice it?

Sighing, I pushed the thoughts away and went to shower. The air in the human relm was different from that of the village. In ther village, the air was crisp and fresh. Where we went today, I felt like I was suffocating. Yes the buildings were beautiful and tall and seemed surreal, but the air I breathed felt heavy and dirty. My first visit to the outside world and the only thing I really enjoyed was the food.

Oh the food was delicious. No wonder Ami prefers to always bring me food from the outside world. I can’t wait to learn to open craters to just indulge in the food of the outside world.

I took my time rinsing my body, before brushing my teeth again. Once clean, I dried my skin and got dressed. I struggled a little with the dress, but in the end I was successful in getting it on. The shoes Marax had gotten for me, the heels were thin. Can I even walk in these? I’m afraid that I will fall and hurt myself. That will only embarrass Amon. Today out of all the days I can’t be clumsy. Ami is counting on me. I needed help with the shoes. Groaning, I grabbed them and teleported to my father's dungeon cell.

He was resting on the bed, but his eyes opened almost immediately when I appeared, as though he had sensed me there. His eyes widened when he saw me, but then a smile formed on his lips.

“You look beautiful my daughter.” He said, raising from the bed and taking me in his arms. When he pulled back, he studied my face. “What's wrong Raven?”

I held up the shoes for him to see. “I don’t know how to put these on. Can you help me dad?”

He let out a booming laugh. I don’t think I ever heard him laugh like that before. It actually sounded carefree.
“Of course I will help you.”

We walked to the bed and I sat down. My dad knelt in front of me, helped me put my feet in the heels and strapped them for me. Taking my hands in his, he helped me stand.  I wobbled unsteady a little but quickly caught my balance. Keeping one of my hands in his, he lead the way on walking. It was like he was helping me get accustomed to walking in the shoes before I went upstairs.

I don’t know how long we practiced, but my dad kept a smile on his face the entire time. He looked genuinely happy to help me walk. Once I had perfected the walk, we sat on the bed.

“Are you ready for your debut into the demon world?”

I shook my head. “Not really. What if I mess up dad, or embarrass Amon?”

“I don’t think there’s any thing you can do that would embarrass him. He loves you too much to care what others think of him.”

Love? From what my father told me before, Amon's actions shows it, but he never once said it. Is it necessary for it to be said? I’m not even sure myself.

“Raven, are you doing with your hair like that?” My father asked suddenly.

“What’s wrong with my hair dad?” I touched it, trying to find fault. “I had it cut and the girl had put a colour to it.”

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