Chapter 36

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Marax POV

From my corner of the room, I silently watched as my King entered the Ball with the Princess. I must admit, compared to how she usually dresses, she looked the part of a true royal tonight. Amon told me to attend the ball in secret just to keep an eye on the Princess. He had no reason to. She would be introduced as his bride to be tonight. No one would dare touch her after her introduction. I was not supposed to be in attendance since I am a mere servant in the eyes of the nobles.

The night thus far was eventless. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Demon nobles approached Amon to greet him, one even looked like he presented his daughter to Amon. Foolish noble. He has no interest in other females. It looked like the princess was shown to them before he walked away. By the throne he greeted the council members. They must have said something to offend Amon because he looked as though he was ready to kill them, no matter what the consequences would be.

He pulled the Princess away only to stop and why the hell is he kissing her in the middle of the ball?! Unlike the others, I turned away to give them a little privacy. I don’t even know how much they got kissing in front of hundreds of nobles. Time passed and they danced for hours.

Amon kept a goofy smile on his face that was out of character to his usual stoik behavior. Princess Raven has him showing emotions he normally doesn’t. It was nearing midnight and they made their way back to the throne. The council members approached them with an unfamiliar demon. Who the hell is that? I don’t know him. But he does look vaguely familiar somehow. How can I not know him but he’s familiar at the same time.

My king left the Princess in the care of that unfamiliar demon. Did the council members vouch for him? If he could be trusted, then why does the princess look scared? She looked like a lamb, led by the shepherd to the wolf.

Wait. Where did she go?

She was just there with the demon. I blinked and they disappeared. Magic. That demon must be a sorcerer. I did not see his eyes but only one that controls magic can vanish so quickly.

Leaving the ballroom, I tried to track the Princess, but I couldn’t hear nor see her. Where did he take her?

I wandered the halls for a while with no luck on finding them. About to make my way back to the ball, I stopped when I heard I blood chilling scream and a shock wave went through the hallway. The scream sounded like the Princess. Amon would have my head if something happened to her.

Following the sound of the scream, I came to a hallway far from the ball and eyes. The princess was cowering against the wall as the demon stalked towards her. The princess who was looking immaculate a few minutes before, now had dishevel hair, her dress looked as though it was torn by the legs and a red liquid stained her legs from what I saw. Her lips were swollen and blood was on her chin, dripping on her dress. Her face was tear streaked and the look of fear on clearly seen in her eyes.

“My lady?” I called out, walking towards them.

The demon tsked and muttered. “Another interruption. Don’t worry. Your time will soon come.”

He walked past me, sneering at me as he went by. I didn’t care for the way he looked at me. The princess was hurt. Rushing towards her, I helped her up. I had to support her weight as her legs were too unsteady to do so for her. What happened between them for her to be this way? As much as I wanted to ask her, she was in no condition to speak.

“Can you make it to your father my lady?” I asked unsure of what else to do. She nodded. “Go and I will get Amon. Go quickly.”

She disappeared without further instruction and I returned to the ballroom to get my King. Back at the ball, I found Amon sitting on the throne, cradling his mouth in his hand, with a pained expression, which he tried to hide. He may have hidden it from the nobles but not me. As I got closer to him, my way was blocked by the council.

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