Chapter 29- The Finale

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" West! Gilbert West Mitchell!"

West dream ended abruptly, as Kathy squealing shaken him, back to reality.  Realizing, he laid across the weak and old couch, West debated, getting up or let his lack of energy win. But once he saw Kathy, stomp into the living room with her nostrils flared and a annoyed look; West didn't debate long.

" Never call me Gilbert." West spoke, running his fingers through his hair.
West frowned. " You don't call, North Gertrude."

I swear, Kathy didn't put much thought in our names.

At least, we got a decent middle name...

" North never got my nerves." Kathy responded. " Unlike you."

I feel the same way about you......

Kathy shifted her weight to her right hip, pressing her lip, while West jaw clench. As of late, Kathy attitude has been a rollercoaster. She could be all  happy go lucky, then pissed off. West already knew it, Kathy drug use, was starting again.

Damn it, Kathy!

Damn it Kathy!

God bless us all......

Usually, West wouldn't care about his mom Coke drug habit, he can take the dysfunction. And, if North dad, found  out, he'll send North home. And West is not losing his sister.

Not again.

She isn't leaving. West sat up, feeling queasy. 

" Man, I had this crazy ass dream. You actually cooked." West remembered.

Blending drinks, isn't cooking.

Kathy folded her arms, mocking West, rolling her eyes. 

" I do cook! You're just never home, to enjoy it." Kathy defended.

It was West turn to roll his eyes. " Oh, I kno, I ain't not missin out then." He snickered.

Kathy lips got tight, she shooed at her son, walking away. " Fuck you West. I can't stand you." Kathy snarl, heading in the kitchen. " I hate you."

You ain't my favorite neither.


Hearing Kathy insult, didn't bothered  him, like it would to some people. He was use to it, besides if West gave her a bag of Coke, she'll love him. It was a chaotic cycle, but West use to it. West stood up, clasping his hands over his head, loudly yawning.

" Well it's been fun, bonding with you, but I gotta go. Peace." West said dryly, holding up a beautiful people sign.

Kathy didn't try to eye contact, while opening the refrigerator door, taking out a half filled bottle of Vodka. She'd tilt back her head, gulping the liquid. West shook his head disappointment.

At least North isn't here to see this......

As soon West grabbed the peeling old gold and brown door knob, there was
unexpected knock. At first it was soft- almost silent; however a second later, it became rough and booming, which echo through out the three bedroom house. West grabbed his .22 Magnum handgun, pulling it back.

Who the hell is that?

Kathy became concerned, she stepped behind a chair, squeezing the head of it. She trembled alittle.

" God damnit Kathy, if this is another dealer you owe money too, I'm lettin him beat your ass." West howled.

Kathy held herself, looking down. She sniffled, then wiped her nose.

" I'm telling the truth, I owe no one."

" Yea right." West mumble. " I ain't got time for your shit Kathy."

Another booming knock echoed. West held his handgun up, ready to shoot, if necessary. He slowly turned the knob, then jerking the door open. West then, pointed his gun.

" Hold up! Relax its Gabriel." A coltish man cried, with a rich complexion of a Sard gem. He'd held both hands up, standing in front of a petite yet curvy  russet brown woman.

Oh shit......

West quickly lowered his gun.

" I'm so sorry." West apologized, with sincerity. " I though you was-"

" Never mind that." Gabriel growled, stepping in the house. The girl, came behind him. " North! Where's North!  Kathy, where's North?" He asked.

Kathy walked into the living room.

" Gabriel, Cheryl- what are y'all doin here? In Tulsa. At this time of night." Kathy asked. " An North is fine."

" Then where is she?" Gabriel asked, moving in front of Kathy, who stared     at him with daggers. " It's ten O clock,   an don't know where North is."

Kathy crossed her arms. " What kind of mother, do you think I am? A good one!"

" Can we take a vote?" West said lowly.

Kathy glared at West, frowning. Then, turning her attention back on Gabriel; while West and Cheryl stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the parents.

" Watch your mouth West."

" You should be watching North! How do you not know, where she is! Need I remind you, North is a black. And last time I checked, Tulsa is just as bad, as the south!" Gabriel ranted.

" Need I remind you, North is growing up an can take care of herself." Kathy angrily hissed.

" She's fucking sixteen Katherine! Not twenty! A girl her age, need structure discipline, rules, boundaries." Gabriel lectured. " I knew North moving here, was a bad idea! You haven't changed."

Kathy face was red, holding while she held her hands in a fist. Cheryl made a slight coughing sound, getting Gabriel and Kathy attention.

" Look, we can't find North, if y'all are fightin. An we don't have time on our side; so let's end the conversation, an start looking for her." Cheryl pleaded.

" Earlier, North said she was spending the night wit Tim." West admitted.

And like that, Gabriel turned to look at Kathy, with his onyx eyes growing big, and pressing his lips together. He slightly drew his head back.

" Who the fuck is that nigga? I swear, Tim better be a nickname for a Tiara;    or I swear to God...." Gabriel ranted.

Man, I hope we find North.

But I hope she's at a friend house.....

West patted Gabriel shoulder, trying to support and calm him.

" I kno where, he lives." West spoke.

And God I hope, he's in a good mood....

Kathy held herself again, not wanting to make eye contact with Gabriel, she walked by him. Cheryl entangled her arms with her, and they went out the door. West was putting away his gun.

" So Gabriel, I dig why you're mad at mom, but why is it important to find North right now?"

It was quiet for a second. Gabriel ran his hand behind his neck, sucking in    air with his teeth. He closed his eyes.

" Toolbox." Gabriel whispered.

West confusedly squinted his eyes.

What the fuck.....

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