Chapter 15- Date pt 1

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" Yeah, that won't do." North said, throwing one of many tops, over  her head

" How about those greens pants? I think they're neato." Kathy said.

" Yuck. I still regret buying them. I wish I could take them back."

" What bout this dress, wit those shoes you brought today." Kathy suggested. " That would be cute."

" No way, that dress is outdated. I can't wear that. Besides, I lost the earrings that matches the dress." North sigh. " This is hopeless." 

West took a long puff, of his kool stick, leaning against North door frame.

" God North, you ain't goin to no red carpet, its just Tim Shepard, Tim goddamn Shepard. Jesus, If you haven't noticed, I'm against this get to together." West yell.

Ugh, West is acting like a baby...

It's not like he doesn't know who Tim is.....

North scoffed at her brother and looked for dress.

" Out of all of the guys in this shit of a town, you just go on and pick Tim Shepard. Couldn't go an' bag a Soc." West ask.

" Geeze, don't flip your wig West. It's not like, I'm gonna marry him next week." North defended.

West balled up his fist. North, do you kno what this means? I can't protect you. If Tim disrespect you or somethin. I can't kick his ass."   West told.

North have heard, about Tim and his temper. Sometimes, even his own siblings, walk on thin ice.

" I'll be ok. So mom, I don't know, about the blue blouse, it don't say she's cute." North voiced, as she'd held the blouse in the light. Then flinging it over her head, letting it land onto her bed, with the other uninterested clothes. " I need it to be perfect."

With a glass of wine, in her hand, Kathy was sipping and sitting on the edge of North canopy bed. As North was deep in her closet, she would scan at failed clothes.

" Hey, what about this? It's pretty gone." Kathy mentioned, holding up a dress. " I'm likin the colors."

North shift her hips, putting her left finger and thumb under her chin, and made a thinking noise. North squealed over to her mom, grabbing the garment. She laid it  on top of her body, twirling.

" OMG, I totally forgot about this one. It is groovy. Wait, if I put on the red heels, I can wear it. Sacre bleu, If I got to start my hair and make up over. But then, Tim will wait. I need nother hour." North wail.

Just like that, Finally, there was a noise, from West. He took out his his cigarette, looking at his sister.

" Wait, since when, did you start carin bout people waitin on you?
Your late to everythin. I bet, you would have the reaper waitin for ya to die." West growl, sucking on his kool stick again.

" Gilbert West Dubois, leave your sister alone."


As you was going over you make up, you'd heard West calling out your name. You quickly left your bedroom, dashing into the living room, discovering West and Tim chatting abit. Tim wore his usual greaser outfit, and that is a white. T-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

At least he looked clean.

" Dressed on time, I'm surprised." Tim revealed.

You smiled, walking over to him.

" Here on time, I'm surprised." North flirted.

West rolled his green eyes, as he  stepped away. North grabbed Tim arm and started heading out. She hollered at West, she will be back at eleven. Tim walked North over to the passenger side, letting her in. Then Tim got in. 

" Nice hog Tim. Is it all show and no go?" North teased, looking at the leather seats.

" If yer a good girl, the next time I race, I'll let you ride. less you can already." Tim winked.

It took a second for North to get his dirty joke, then she playfully smack the greaser arm, giggling.

" You're terrible." North laugh.

Tim drove out of the house drive way, and ended on the street. He cut the radio on, and they was on their way somewhere. North had put on her seatbelt.

Tim chuckle. " I never said, I was nice princess." He flirted.

" So where are we going?" North asked, folding up her legs, like a lady. " Do you have any ideas, or are you spontaneous?"

After North said that, Tim looked over at her, seeing her smiling at him. Tim started smirking. It was probably, the closest to a genuine smile. However, it did give her a  peace of mind, knowing the most dangerous hood, smiled at her. It gave her a much needed boost in the confidence category. With his right free hand, Tim clasped onto North chin, then making her look at him. North blushed.

" It'll be nice princess. Trust me."

Minutes later, Tim parked his 58 Plymouth Belvedere, in front of grey diner that was surrounded by motorcycles, bikers, greasers and other hoods. North got out the car reluctantly. Tim did the same.

" The Dingo! Are you joking right now!" North grumble lowly.

" What's wrong with The Dingo? They got the best burgers in this city." Tim replied calmy.

Of course he wouldn't get it.

Or he does get it, but don't care......

North noticed a group of greasers girls staring at her and Tim, then giggling out loud. Yeah, she knew the giggles was about her. North definitely felt uneasy. The guys in the leather jackets glanced at her.

There goes my confidence.

" Wait now, don't tell me you're  scared now." Tim taunted.

North gave Tim a deadly look. It was the same one, she gives her brother, when she don't feel like talking anymore. But that doesn't scare Tim at all. Just excites him even more.

" You are scared."

" Of course not Tim, I would just love to be the only black girl in a predominantly white restaurant.
Oh man, that excites me so much Tim." North nagged. " I swear."

Tim gave North a raspy chuckle, walking over to her. He towered over North tucking her skirt. She started to push Tim, but the way, he looked at her, stopped her.

" North, you honestly think those cats gona, do somethin in front of me." Tim chuckled. " Give my rep alil more credit than that."

North sigh, loosing her arms. " I understand your reputation Tim. I'm sayin is, I'm not welcomed." North said.

Suddenly, Tim grabbed North, by her wrist, and pulling her behind him.

" Look, I'm starvin, so we are gon eat here North. Ain't no-one gona hurt you." Tim barked.

Knowing North wouldn't win, she just walked behind him.

Cliff hanger...

North outfit above

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