Chapter 28- Pregnant

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The Dubois Family was having a quiet and yet unusual dinner. Kathy wasn't drinking, so she was speaking clearly.  West the hood, was actually home. At      a decent hour. And as for North, there was no playing referee between West or their mom. She could sit back, and enjoy her meal.

Usually, North would cook dinner, but tonight, Kathy offered. Which was off. She's not as strong, as a cook as North, so dinner wasn't that spectacular. Just spaghetti and meatballs. But she tried.

Kathy reached over, picking her glass, taking a sip of her water. " So what do y'all think? I'm no North, but it turned out pretty good." She guessed.

North twirled around, her fork in her bowl of spaghetti. West took a bite.

" It's good mom." North said.

" It alright." West mumbled.

" I'm so happy, to hear it." Kathy said, smiling like a Hyena. " I really tried."

Just like that, West narrowed his eyes, toward his mom with suspension. He knows, she's up to something. Before North moved in, Kathy never cooked, less, she wanted to impress her slutty friends or some bum. Either way, she  was up to no good. West knew it. But 
his sister didn't.

North saw their mom, trying to do her best, and cooked a hot meal. But West, couldn't blame North. She never dealt with the real Kathy before. North seen her passed out, or drunk. But never at her sorriest. West can still remember, Kathy bringing home, random men or women, late at night, not paying bills, not buying food, popping prescription pills, and snorting coke.

That's why, West have a hard time, in trusting Kathy. Each time, he give her    a chance, Kathy fail him. When North  dad, Gabriel told Kathy, North wanted to live with her and West, but she had to get clean. So that's what she did. No more drugs, because they was flushed down the drain. Kathy didn't drink, or did she party. She only focused on her business and getting better for North.

Growing up, West use to ask Kathy, to clean up her act, but she would brush him off, and tell him to mind his own. But for North, she have too get better.

It was a slap in the face for West.

West was glad, Kathy was trying to get better for North, but deep down, West was jealous, she didn't try for him. He honestly felt worthless. West couldn't help, but ask him-self, why does Kathy love North more?

Then West remembered their fathers. Kathy always said, to anyone, Gabriel was her first love and Cameron was a infatuation. It's no wonder, she would do anything for him. But for Cameron,  Kathy hates his guts and would kill his ass, if she could. However, But driving in the drunk already did that. He and West barely had a relationship, unless you call physically fighting, bonding.

In a way, West was envious of North. Not only did she have Kathy love, she had a better life than him. North did not have to worry about a thing. Her dad was a doctor, and married a real  socialite.

North would often say, they was high class Negros, middle class Americans.
Money was the least of their worries. But once North moved in, he got use to her. And soon West liked it. North would cook breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert, buy groceries and West favorite snacks, make sure he's good, and help pay bills. 

West never had someone, stay up and wait for him to come home, or tend to his wounds after a rumble with a soc,  or another greaser. But North does all that, no matter what. She always took care of West, even when, he was being a jerk to her.

Which is why, West didn't get so mad, when he did find out, North and Tim started dating. North do so much for him, or anyone who needs her, and it would be fuck up, if he stand between North happiness. And Tim, make her happy, and vice versa.

Tim doesn't treat North, like his past ex flings, like McKenzie. Even though, West rather have his baby sister date a Soc.

West threw down his fork,and jerked away from the table, causing North to stare at him.

" Ok Kathy, what is you up too?" West questioned.

North turned to look at West.

" West, mom is not up to something." North cried.

" Yeah right!" West mumbled.

Kathy coughed. " West, North right. I am not up to something."

North closed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out, shaking her head, side to side.

" Told ya." North growled.

Suddenly Kathy smiled. " I have great news..... I'm pregnant."

With that last word said, silence filled the room. No one spoke, if they did, it was inaudible. Hell even the creaking of the house, settled stilled. Suddenly, North slammed her hand down, then again. She shot her eyes at Kathy. And those eyes were darken with anger.

" You have no business, with raising a baby!" North shouted.  " How could ya do something like this?"

" 'cuse me, why I shouldn't raise this baby?" Kathy asked, frowning.

" Um, I don't know, maybe cause, you screwed me up, an gonna do the same with it." West interjected.

Kathy rolled her eyes. " I screwed up nothing. An I'm having this baby, an I can't believe how selfish, y'all sound.  As much as I let, y'all roam 'round the street, this is how y'all treat me?"

It was West turn to get mad. " I never had a choice, it was either the streets or dealing wit yer shit. So fuck you."

North smacked, her left hand on her forehead. She was over it.

Wow, I never seen North yell at Kathy.


" What's does the father say?"

" Hell, If Kathy even knows, who it is" West scoffed.

Kathy was quiet for a second. " Do so! His name is Ernest Sanderson, an he's a accountant West. He comes from a nice family an we plan to marry next month." She said. " So this Friday, we are meetin Ernest an his family at Le Petit Chateau. "

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