Chapter 10- Bubbly Pt 1

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The juke box was blasting, the Iconic Beatles new song, I feel fine, all through the busy and crowded Dairy Queen. People, especially the socs, kept their
waitress, running all over the building, by asking for things, one at a time. It had to be alil frustrating.

Basically, the servers were at the mercy of the socs. And the sad part, the waitress ignored the one black table, and didn't care about it. However, North and her friends was used to it by now. Like some people say, Just because, segregation was illegal, it doesn't mean, blacks was now welcome, with open arms.

Which is alot of blacks still go eat at black own diners. Since you're welcome there.

" Okay next question, tell me, how long did King Henry VIII marriage with Anne Boyleyn last?" North question, as she held the history book close to her chest.

" You know this." Tracey said, putting down her sodapop. l

" No I don't." Kenya growl. " I am going to fail this test." She said, putting her head on the counter. " Five years?"

North reached over, grabbing a fry and threw it into Kenya box braids. " It's Three years." She answer.

" With that attitude, you are." She laughed.

" North's right." Tracey spoke. " Listen to your big sister."

Then Kenya lifts up her head, and smiles.

" I rather study something tall dark, and sexy." Kenya cooed.
" We should go bowling! They always have cute guys there."

Of course, guys would be on be Kenya mind......

North sigh.

" We have a test to study for." North reminded her friends.

Kenya smile. " An we'll study. Tonight. North, you can spend the night wit us. Our mom an dad wouldn't care."

Tracey nodded head, looking at her little sister. " A study sleep over."

" It's a win win North." Kenya said.

Ugh, I don't wanna go out, on a school night again. I did so, last night, cause Tim told me to.

And plus, I didn't want, West to get in trouble.

But, I'll be out my friends........

North closed her book, with a huge grin on her face.

" Okay, I'm in!" She laugh.


Kenya held the green bowling ball, close to her chest, as she focus on the ten bowling pins. Behind her, Tracey and North was making annoying sounds, trying to distract the teen girl. But Kenya kept her eyes focus on the bowling lane. She sigh, and rolled the bowling ball. It was quiet for a minute, til the girl squealed out of delight.

" I got a strike!" Kenya yelled.

" Beginners luck!" North said.

" You won't get another one." Tracey mumble.

" Do I smell envy." Kenya said, while model walking back to her seat. She stuck her tongue out, laughing.

It was Tracey turn. She got up and went over to the machine to grab a bowling ball.

" At least, I'll pass my history test tomorrow." Tracey tease.

" Who wants to study about a fat smelly man, when I could be researchin bout lane two." Kenya sigh dreamy.

North raised a eyebrow, in a confused manner. She follow Kenya eyes to a group of guys whom, was also bowling too. North recognized, one of the guys. He'd wore a white polo shirt, and denim jeans.

Yea, North knew who the guy was. And that is Michael Cole.
So sexy.....

He's on the debate team, and
sits behind North in English class, and more importantly, Michael is North crush, and has been since she moved to Tulsa three months ago.

And the other two guys, with Michael, was his close friends Thomas and Jerry, who is also on the debate team. And they are just as cute, as Michael.

Oh my God, Michael is so cute. It should be a sin! A sexy sin.

And, he's smart too. which just makes me so- one time, he had speech about the environment, and what we could do to help.
Everyone in class was fallling asleep, but I stayed awake. As
I was drawing hearts, with his name inside.

North kept staring at Michael and his friends, ignoring her own friends trying to get her attention. It took a couple of trys from Kenya shaking her, but soon, she got out of it.

" What happen?" North ask.

Kenya covered her mouth, to hold back a laugh. She smiled.

" Oh it's nothing. You are just drooling over Michael again." Kenya chuckle.

North instantly looked down at her shoes, trying to hid her blush. Tracy rolled the yellow ball, and made a spare. She'd shrug her shoulders, and sat down next to North, who sat in the middle of the seats.

" You're going have to talk to him eventually, North." Tracy spoke.

" Right now, you're giving us, a stalker vibe." Kenya laugh.

" Look you guys, just because, I stare, write love letters bout us, plan how our kids names, and our weddin-." North sigh.

Tracey nudge North shoulder.

" Earth to North." Kenya said.

North shook her head, closing and opening her brown eyes.

" It don't mean, I'm a stalker." North finshed.

When North said that, Kenya and Tracey quickly glance at each other, laughing.

It's not funny!....

North held her head down, in a defeat manner.

I got it bad.......

Kenya lean back in her seat, as she crossed her legs.

" I don't understand, why you can't talk to him- he's not that cute." Kenya criticize.


" Are we looking at the same guy?" North question. " He's a adonis!"

Kenya rolled her eyes.

" Well, your adonis is walking by here." Tracey said.

North looked over her shoulder, and saw Tracey was telling the truth. She took out her compact, checking herself out. When North stood up, to go to the rest room, she accidentally bumped into her future husband.

North was actually in his buff arms, and was blushing hard.

" Oh sorry, my fault." Michael apologized.

And Cliffhanger.....


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