Chapter 16- The Date pt 2

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In the corner, the out dated gree vintage jukebox, was playing this depressing honky tonk song, that Buck, drunkenly lip singing along with. Dallas and Tim, left the bar top, going outside. The hoods had stepped off the porch, and leaned back on some cat beat up muscle car. Dallas was the first to speak.

" Let gets to the nitty gritty, you'd brought your classy black broad, to the Dingo? To see how far can you push her? You a cold bastard Shepard." Dallas smirk, reaching into his leather jacket pocket, for his cancer sticks. " I bet, the skirt was uncool during the scene."

Tim looked at Dallas over the top his new Budlight bottle, in a hard blank eyes. His normal look.

" Cool yer chops Winston. Let me finish." Tim declared. " So after I made North go inside, we sat at a booth in the back..."

" See, that wasn't so bad, now was it princess?" Tim taunted, putting his right arm, protectively around North shoulder, moving near her.

As North eyes, narrowed and her nose wrinkling up, she'd playfully sneered at the hood, while her left hand, that was in a close fist, slept under her chin. When she opened her eyes, her brown eyes, flickered with happiness. She smiled.

One of the advantages, of living in a hood criminal lifestyle, is having eyes in the back of your head. And what Tim could see, was the other greasers was staring at them. No that was a understatement. They was watching them. Not blinking or nothing.

Tim noticed a few girls, muttering too. But decided to ignore it. He'd went back focusing on North.

" I refuse to say, you're right. The date just started babe."

" Babe?" Tim questioned. " Now I have a nickname princess."

Then, North smirked at Tim, while lifting up and down shoulder.

" Yes you do. I mean, you always call me princess. So I decided you should get a nickname too. If that makes any sense?" North mused.

The right side of Tim lips, moved upward, sharply grinning at her. He'd pulled North closer, rubbing his hand up and down, on North thigh, coyly. She bit her lower lip, seductively looking at Tim.

(Fuck, North is sexy. Not like drop dead sexy, but classy sexy...)

( North is the type of girl, you can bring around your family, friends, whatever. She knows how to act.)

( That's why I asked her out. Each time, North was around my gang, she didn't do anything to piss me or my gang off.)

( Actually they like her. Especially Curly. The bastard.)

A few seconds later, the worn out waitress walked over, getting the couple drink order. They ordered a coke.

" I call you princess, cuz you wear those lacy pastel colored clothes." Tim admitted. " Also, I rather be called Daddy."

North smiled. " I'm not calling you that Tim."

" Eventually you will." Tim spoke lowly.

Suddenly, Tim roughly pressed his lips on her lips, who eagerly open her mouth, allowing his tongue to tangle with hers. It wasn't no peck neither. It was demanding kiss. A possessive kiss. Then, Tim shifted his lips, on the side of North neck, placing more rough kisses.

North let out a tiny whimper, but when he bit her, it became moans.
Tim enjoyed, how weak she turnt. But when Tim notice Leo, walking to their booth. He'd felt mood slip away

(Great this asshole again. I bet he is gonna talk about that turf.)

(I can never relax.)

" Look princess. I want you to do somethin for me. " When that guy comes over, I want you look cute an quiet."

Fear washed over North face." Yes I can. I'm sure I can."

Tim pecked her on the lips. " Don't worry princess, daddy got you."

Leo moved across the floors, with his hands, stuffed into his leather jacket. He looked a slimeball. But Tim had to keep a cool head, for a few reasons.

1. Tim had North with him. And her safety is important.

2. No back up.

3. Tim don't act first. He examines, and observes.

" What's happenin Tim." Leo said, as he sat down, on the other side of the booth.

" Not much Leo. How bout you?" Tim said, tighten his arm around North.

" Same here. An who's this lovely lady?" Leo said.

( Don't speak to her)

( Keep it cool Tim.)

North quickly smiled and started to look at the menu. Like Tim told her, not to speak, and she didn't.
Leo cocked his eyebrows at North.

" I kno you didn't come over here, to ask about her, so what do you want?" Tim wonder.

Leo shrugged his shoulders.

" I thought we'll discussed about our alliance." Leo reminded.

( Didn't I tell this idiot....)

( Wait, Leo thinks, I'll change my mind cuz I'm with North.)

( He thinks I won't back down)

" We shouldn't conduct business in front of her. You kno exactly where I stand." Tim voiced.

" I kno, but after awhile, I believe you would change your mind. It does mean more money, for you an... Her."

That's when, Leo checked her out. And when North glance at Leo, he smiled at her. And Tim got pissed. But kept his poker face. Yes North isn't his girl, but he still claim her. And the one thing about Tim, he's a firm believer in revenge.

" She looks like a fancy one too." Leo added.

Tim wasn't liking Leo, staring at North, but he was. At least, she wasn't giving him any attention. Then, the waitress stepped over with their drinks. North handed Tim his coke, then getting hers.

" Are you ready to order now?"

North gave Tim this look, as he'd patted her hips. She giggled. Tim bitterly smirked.

" Get what you want, princess."

" Okay baby." North finally speak.


Dallas finished his cigarette and tossed it in the dirt, stepping out the final flame. Tim took one last sip of his beer.

" I can't believe, Leo thought, you was goin to change yer mind. Cuz of that broad." Dallas said.

" Leo may outsmart his gang, cuz they're idiots. But I kno a sneaky bastard." Tim spoke.

Dallas agreed. " If you ain't gona join Leo, then what?"

Tim threw them empty bottle, at some random car.

" Then it's a war comin. Cuz ain't no-one takin my block."

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